Chapter 10

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Jeonghan stands in front of his exhibit and takes a deep breath. His glasses fall forward and the cold breeze tickles his neck. No more short hair to cover his neck from the winter breeze. It was short and black now. His red sweater fell to his shoulders and his black pants fell straight to his gucci shoes. Totally not dressed for the winter but his exhibit was hot.

Nevertheless he entered the layered building and greeted his workers. It was his fifth exhibit of the year. Jeonghan walked his way to the third floor, the portrait room, filled with many famous actors he painted faceless, his signature . Yet the black haired headed over to the one he decided to finally display.

There it hung, 2 years later, with its colors of blue, red, green, yellow, and so on. Jeonghan placed his hands to his lips critiquing his work. The painting that he ruined two years ago was finally a masterpiece and he loved it.

He loved it like he still loved Seungcheol. Even though he shut him out, he still loved him. Loved his smile, his almond eyes and his rosy lips. His muscles that wrapped around him when they hugged, his beautiful laugh and his figure.

After the day the two fought, Joenghan was in a slump once more. Yet he still kept away from Seungcheol. He knew if he tried to come back he would be shut down immediately. Rejection was what he hated and Jeonghan seriously hurt Seungcheol that day. Then again he did hurt himself by keeping away.

Throughout the two years Jeonghan fixed the painting. Keeping the red slash but put more detail to the rest of it. From what Jeonghan has seen Seungcheol was better, way better than he was, being an actor wasn't easy but Seungcheol shot up through the ranks when he entered them. Jeonghan didn't keep up to date with him nor did he talk to him either. The black haired kept him shut out for the most part. 

"This is my favorite one.."

Jeonghan sighed, not batting an eye to the person beside him. "It took me two years to finish it."

"It carries a lot of depth...perhaps is it Choi Seungcheol?"

"No it's not."

"No...I think it is."

Jeonghan smiles, soon peering over to the older and halting in place. He felt his breath hitch and wanted to run away. His mind was telling him to run away but his feet had other ideas. They stayed and Jeonghan could only feel his heart pick up its pace.

Seungcheol took off his glasses and looked at Jeonghan with lovable eyes. "Hey Jeonghan, it's been awhile..."

"It''s really you.."

"It's me, Jeonghan. I'm here."

Jeonghan wanted to run into Seungcheol's arms and cry into his shoulder but he didn't move. He stood in his spot as tears rolled down his cheeks. His heart began to ache with guilt. He had so much to say but couldn't, why couldn't he.

"Would you like to go get coffee with me.." Seungcheol said in his dark chocolate voice.

Jeonghan took in the older before him. He had changed since the last time he saw him. His face was more toned and his figure was more graceful. His hair was shorter now. Like he just shaved off all the silver that Jeonghan had loved so much. It was slicked back too which showed maturity in Cheol and Jeonghan fell in love with it all again. Especially his face. He could see it. He'd forgotten what it felt like to see something so beautiful and it almost felt surreal. Jeonghan missed it all, he missed Seungcheol.

Jeonghan had just taken a deep breath and nodded.

"Great.." Seungcheol said with a smile. The older walked over to one of his guards and whispered in his ear, soon enough the two were being escorted out and into Seungcheol's car.

Jeonghan wasn't sure what he was doing. He wanted to run away so badly but now he was stuck. Now he wasn't sure how to feel. He missed him, yes but he wasn't sure what he should say. Which words to say and how to tell him how he really felt.

Thus they ended up at a small cafe and they both ordered coffee; sitting toward the back. Seungcheol excused his bodyguards so he and Jeonghan could be alone. They sat in silence. Enjoying the cafe music and the view of the busy and snowy streets.

"You're really not dressed for the winter.."

Jeonghan smiled. "I know but I ran late today so I didn't have time to grab a coat.." He decided to start off with the basics, "How have you been Seungcheol."

Seungcheol sets his drink down. "I've been well. Movies and talk shows come left and right, so it's quite busy. And you?"

Jeonghan shrugs. "Just painting, alot. I just finished my winter exhibit so I get to rest a little."

"Your paintings are beautiful, they speak a lot of meaning." He said while playing with his straw.

Jeonghan whipped his head up to the latter. "You know about my paintings."

"I've been to all your exhibits Jeonghan. "

This caused Jeonghan to feel a pain in his chest. Seugncheol followed through with Jeonghan even after what happened. "You're not mad then?"


"About what happened to us..." Jeonghan shifted his gaze to his coffee cup.

Seungcheol had only taken Jeonghan's hand. "You had your reasons and I was very ashamed of how I didn't clear the situation, totally my fault..."

Jeonghan didn't say a word. -You have it wrong Seungcheol, two years ago it was all my fault. I got mad for no reason and shut you out for no reason....I was stupid to ever do that-

They didn't talk for the rest of the time. Maybe little conversations but none got anywhere. The apologies were itching at Jeonghan's throat to come out but they never did. As if he was too scared to see what Seungcheol would tell him or say after. Yet Seungcheol was just happy to just sit by Jeonghan. He was happy that he agreed to come out to coffee with him. Still, Jeonghan didn't know that.

The time had cut short and the two began to exit the small cafe and into the falling snow and freezing breeze. They pleaded goodbyes and Jeonghan began to walk away. He earned for Seungcheol to just call out for him. Anything, a simple grab of the wrist, a call of his name. Anything for him to go back.

-Call my it please Seungcheol...I need to apologize...-

His tears began to form in his onyx eyes. His stomach began to swirl and his heart banged against his chest as he walked farther.

In a matter of seconds Jeonghan turned on his heels and swiftly headed back to where he came from. The snow was falling around him and he could hear his heart in his ears. He could see his small breaths throughout the air and Seungcheol began to come into view. His paces became strides and he could see Seungcheol's gray coat in the distance. He took his arm and twisted the taller around and connected his lips to his. They were cold and cracked but Jeonghan had them too. He overcame his fears and took matters into his own hands.

Then and there they stood. The snow filled around them with those big snowflakes. The passing cars filled the air and Jeonghan held Seungcheol's wrist with shaky hands. The kiss was long and relentless. Neither wanting to move at all. Seungcheol was confused at first but soon eased into the kiss. Taking Jeonghan into his arms, pulling him closer than he had ever done before.

They both missed one another. No matter what Jeonghan had to say, it all explained itself in the kiss. Seungcheol moved his hands to Jeonghan's cheeks that were filled with tears. He cradled the shorter as their lips danced on a tightrope of love connected to their hearts.

"Seungcheol....I'm sorry..." Jeonghan spoke finally, letting their heads connect at last.

Seungcheol still held Jeonghan's face in his palms and he just smiled. "Don't worry about's all in the past. What matters is the present." Then he placed yet another kiss on Jeonghan's lips. "I missed you so much Jeonghan...please never leave again.." he said with an airy tone.

Jeonghan's eyes still closed and he spoke with a weak tone, "I will never leave you Seungcheol..."

The end

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