Chapter 4

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A couple of days had passed since the idea of telling Seungcheol came about.

Jeonghan was still contemplating with himself about telling him. The common questions;

'would he understand'

'will he think I'm weird'

'Will he think I'm lying, not a lot of people have this disorder'

'should I even tell him about how I can only see his face'.

The blonde liked Seungcheols company but wasn't sure why. He liked texting him, calling him, hanging out with him, more than in a friend way.

Could he call it love though? Joenghan never experienced dating, or wasn't sure what love was. He had a passion for art and sometimes he expressed it with the word love. Yet he wasn't sure that's what seungcheol was to him, could you even explain a hobby love and a person love the same?

Joenghan sat on his bed curled up in his baby blue comforter. It was a long day filled with being at his studio, working on an upcoming project. He had agreed, with himself, to tell Seungcheol either tomorrow or the next day. It was that procrastinator side of him getting the best of him.

Either way his brain was running circles around his nonvisible face. He grew curious and went on the web to see if anyone is experiencing his condition like him. Or was he different, a part of another flame. Joenghan knew he was different, since he was ten, but now with only seeing a designated face he knew he was extra special. He didn't like the idea. He really hoped there was someone, anyone out there experiencing his roller coaster of a life like him.

With that, be began to search various things and visited various sights.

'Having Progosongania and seeing faces'

'Is there a way to gain face privileges with Progosongania'

'Can you see faces even though Progosongania'

After an hour later and no answer Joenghan fell back upon his pillows. "This is not going to I the only one?" He wondered and pondered. Squirmed and screamed. Letting all the nerve racking feelings come out. "I hate this," he said breathlessly.

Yet he tried again. Searching the web and clicking on every possible thing that had a hunch of getting him closer. A good twenty minutes passed and he found the answer he needed so much. Even though it was a reddit story, and you can barely even believe those, Joenghan was glad his search was over.

The story had an article attached to it. So he clicked and read it. The article talked about a woman in her 30s having Progosongina. She had it since birth, the article said. She went her whole life not knowing what people's faces looked like. Yet one day she sat in her bookstore cafe setting out new pastries. Some man came in and she had almost fainted. It said 'I could see the indents of his eyes and beautiful smile, he was tall and handsome which made me flustered. It had to be fate. God gave me the wish of seeing my soulmate and not anyone else. Not even myself.'

Then Joenghan closed his computer and layed down. "That's bullcrap." He didn't believe in fate or soulmates, but with his condition it was the only thing he had as evidence. The blonde believed there was more, there had to be more. He was just too tired to find out. So he fell asleep.

The next day came without any wonder to Jeonghan. No better explanation of his condition and he was too oblivious to tell anyone about it. He wanted to deal with it himself before going to a doctor. Plus if he was one of a kind then he wouldn't want to become a science rat for them either. He let his day go about with two classes and then his studio to work on his project.

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