Chapter 2

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It was the next day, Jeonghan looked and felt like a mess, after what happened yesterday, he couldn't get Seungcheol's face out of his head. He thinks he might have fell in love with it. But it certainly couldn't be true right. He certainly couldn't have seen his face. After 11 years of having Prosopagnosia, it wasn't possible at all.

The blonde had awoken from a sleepless night. His hair fell distraught and his vision was a little blurry. He reached over to his bedside table but couldn't find his glasses.

-where could they have gone...- He looked all around his king-sized bed that was draped with baby blue sheets. He looked all around his loft apartment. Yet he still couldn't find them.

As he fell to his vintage green coach a flashback of him falling yesterday popped into his head. Remembering how his glasses popped off of his face and he didn't pick them up.

-dammit Jeonghan! Now you really have to go back there- he practically screamed as he twisted and turned on his couch. -maybe Jisoo has them..maybe he picked them up!- so he began to text his best friend.

Texting 'Shua'


Hey Shua...I have a question?


What's up?


By chance do you Have my glasses?


When I fell yesterday, they Fell off my face.


I didn't see them?

The blonde face palms at the words portrayed on his screen. He couldn't believe this.


Could you go back to that Cafe and grab them for me :)


No, you idiot!! You owe them an apology. You practically just ran out


Don't make me go back there!


If you don't want to be blind. I suggest you go back and apologize.

Jeonghan huffed. He hated that his friend was right. Still, he minds as well go back, he did leave unannounced, and he needed his glasses.

-maybe I can check if seeing that bakers face again was real or not.- With that  he began to get ready. He had Jisoo send the location of diamond pastries.

Jeonghan wore something simple. His wardrobe really consisted of cardigans and button up shirts. So, he went with a normal t-shirt and a navy-blue cardigan. Some simple jeans and low top converse. He tied his blonde hair back for a half up half down look and headed off.

"Welcome to diamond pastries- you're the guy from yesterday!" Seokmin yelled as Jeonghan entered the cafe once more.

"...hello. Um about yesterday I lost my glasses..." he nervously bit his lip as he began to look around where he fell.

Before Seokmin could say anything, another boy appeared in front of Jeonghan. The blonde let his eyes travel up his body. Black jeans overtook his legs as the same apron he saw yesterday took his waist. Another fitted black shirt took his arm slovenly.

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