Chapter 5

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"Mingyu I'm going to go on break."

The taller nods and off Seungcheol heads out the back door. Working at a bakery is fun and all but it does get stuffy. Seungcheol usually spends his breaks outside and he was okay with that. Letting the brief smell of whatever he put in the oven right before mix in with the smell of grass and pine eased his soul.

The black haired began to text Jeonghan, a routine while he was on his breaks, Seungcheol could admit that he had fallen even more for the blonde. After that night of finding out about Joenghans disorder, Seungcheol tried his best to understand what the shorter was going through. Either looking it up on the web, reading various articles about it, or simply just asking Joenghan about it. Which made the blonde happy, he was glad someone was curious about him and interested in his life, because it was far from average.

Seungcheol loved texting Jeonghan, because no matter where he was he would always answer, and he'd do the same to Joenghan. Getting butterflies with every sudden jump of ellipses. Cheol couldn't believe the short amount of time he had fallen for Joenghan.

"Hey Cheol Hyung.."

Said boy looked up from his phone to look at Mingyu. A worried expression made Seungcheol's smile drop, "What's up?"

"She's here."


Mingyu whipped his head toward the front of the store as a faint voice came from it and then back at the older. Seungcheol knew exactly who it was. A person who can only make him feel so small. A person that could make his mood do a 180 to a dark side. 

Seungcheol followed Mingyu in and helped himself to the front counter. Staring a small mid haired woman down but it felt as if her brown eyes were piercing into his heart.


"Seungcheol. Why aren't you answering my calls anymore?"

"I've been busy."

Jiyho steps back, crossing her petite arms across her chest. "Come out from the counter and let's talk."

Seungcheol sighs while taking off his waist apron. He doesn't like how this might turn out. The last time he answered Jiyho's text was when had that picnic with Joenghan. Jiyho had called him about the recent matter of the confused break up they had. Cheol didn't care, she was out of his life, then, and he was glad he finally listened to himself for once. Yet the woman wasn't easy. He wouldn't leave without putting up a fight, and that's what Cheol wasn't prepared for.

The two stepped outside. "What. I need to get back to work."

"We're still dating, right Seung?I know you got mad last time and said some things but they didn't mean anything, right?"

Seungcheol had a blunt expression on his face, "No I meant all of it. We're not dating anymore."


"You know why, don't act like this Jiyho."

"Okay so I accidentally kissed someone else but that was because I was drunk Cheol."

Seungcheol huffs. "Dk and I were at that party and he wouldn't lie."

"How would you know? He never liked me anyway."

"More like he's scared of you and wouldn't lie to his best friend. Jiyho I don't want to talk about this, that was the last straw with you."

"No Seung please. Give me a chance."

"I gave you enough chances before, I'm not trying to get hurt again."

Jiyho held her head low, hands forming little fists as she stood before Seungcheol, "And you never thought about my feelings throughout all of this..."

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