Chapter 3

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His present days were filled with late night talking, facetimes, and effortless calls. Jeonghan had fallen in love with Seungcheols face, maybe he was obsessed. Don't get me wrong, Cheol was falling hardcore for Joenghan too. They both couldn't get enough of each other. Whether it was meeting up after classes or Jeoghan going to the bakery to see him, they were inseparable.

Seungcheol fell for a new thing every day. Monday was his hair, blonde and long, smooth and soft, he loved it. Tuesday were Jeonghan's bright eyes, they popped when he was happy and smoothed out when he smiled. Wednesday was his lips. They were perfect proportions and he loved watching the blonde put on chapstick. Thursday, he fell for his hands, it was the first time he touched them. They were so soft and Cheol loved it. His beige skin sent warmth throughout his long fingers. Cheol loved everything about Jeonghan and he never knew he could fall for someone so hard.

It was Friday, Jeonghan sat in his lecture class thinking of Seungcheols face again. He might have thought of it too much because every time he talks to Jisoo, he develops Cheol's face in his head. It creeped him out one time.  The blonde now hated the fact he couldn't see people's faces. He had wondered what people looked like before, but now he wonders every day. He's seen people's faces before, matter of fact his own, but now that he was grown, and time had passed. He was found curious.

-Did everyone look like Seungcheol? I was too young to remember what I even looked like. Do I look like Seungcheol?! -

His eyes widened.

-No, no, no, I could never look like that. Does Seungcheol think I look good? Or was that a lie when he texted me the other day-

Then his expressions softened-

He wouldn't lie right?...hopefully not. I hope I'm pretty decent...gosh-


The blonde turned to look at his friend, being snapped out of his thoughts. "Hm?"

"Are you okay? You've been making funny faces."

Jeonghan could feel his face heat up as he turned forward, "Sorry..I was just stuck in my thoughts."

Jisoo had only nodded before Jeonghan turned his concentration back to the lecture. Boring history but make it art. Joenghan didn't like this class at all. Why would he need to memorize all the sculptures in Greece before the destruction of Pompeii happened. He was really frustrated on that one, and his memory wasn't the best. Yet someone saved his day as his phone buzzed. He looked down to see who it was.

Cute baker (Cheol):

What are you doing after class? Do you Even have classes today?


I'm in my last class right now. Why?

Cute baker:

Let's hangout :( I miss you.

Jeonghan lets out a whispered laugh as he smiled at his phone.


Sure. Where at?

Cute baker:

What class are you in, I'll come Get you.


Art history. Building 3, Room 204

Cute baker:

It's a date! I'll see you then.

Jeonghan didn't answer after that. Not sure how he should have because now he was a blushing mess. -It's a date!- Lingered in his head. They had hung out before but were those dates? Seungcheol never called it that before and Jeonghan was too blinded from Seungcheols mesmerizing face to even wonder. 

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