Chapter 6

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I have a small question.


Will it turn into a big deal?


sorry I was trying to be funny... What's up?


Good one. How do you feel about meeting some of my friends.


You're friends.


Ya. Not today, I'd like to tell them about you first. If that's okay with you of course.


I won't mind meeting them. I'll do it for you.


Great!! Does Wednesday work? Thank you :)


Ya, Wednesday works for me. Of course, Cheol.

The blonde throws his phone manically at his floor. It was Wednesday, two days since he accidentally agreed to meet Seungcheol's friends. He liked him alot, maybe that was the purpose of this whole thing.

"Curse these feelings and doing things without asking my brain first! What do I even wear...oh my god!" Jeonghan falls to the floor, he can feel his anxiety rising. Covering every inch of his body before blowing it all away with a deep breath.

"I have to do it for Seungcheol. Pull yourself together Jeonghan, you dimwit." He sits up and grabs his phone. A sudden idea popped into his brain. He could just bring Jisoo, he thought during his state of panic, Jisoo is his friend and always helped him with his troubles. Even if now there boy troubles.

"Thank you so much Jisoo, gosh I love you." Jeonghan poured over his friend.

"Ya whatever you need. I can't believe you agreed, you never agree with me."

"That's because I like him, Jisoo. A lot." He said while giving Jisoo one last look before getting on the subway. Letting his pink sweater flow around him and his converse tap the subway floors with bliss.

"You don't like your best friend anymore." Jisoo pleaded sarcastically, receiving a small punch from the older. "Shut up, you know that's not what I meant."

They let the silence fill the gap between them. Awaiting for their stop to be called, Joenghan became jittery. Soon biting the insides of his lips as they neared the cafe. He wasn't sure if he should be doing this. He hasn't talked to many people during the past years.

-Seungcheol said he told them I couldn't see their faces, I wonder if they took it well. What if they didn't believe it? How many of his friends agreed to this anyway. Crap...this is bad. What were you thinking Joenghan you idiot. You can turn back now and just say you got sick..-

Jeonghan goes to turn around and walk away but soon turns back to walk with Jisoo again.

-that would be lying and we can't lie to seungcheol! He'd never trust us again. He was so happy about this too. Come on Joenghan you can do it..-

The blonde does a small reassuring nod letting the one beside him let out a small laugh. Joenghan whipped his head over to him.

"Why are you laughing?"

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