Chapter 9

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The strong desire to hold someone in your arms, and Jeonghan was feeling this emotion the most. He was no longer sad, or felt anger. Instead he felt empty and deserted. As if he was stuck in the desert and needed water heavily. Seungcheol was his water in the vast, dry, desert.

He has been stuck in his room since the incident with Jisoo. Which he felt a pain in his heart for being so rude to his friend. Jeonghan let his emotions get in the way of a friend trying to help. He never fought with Jisoo or even raised his voice, so he felt bad for it. Yet he never did anything about it. He never told Joshua he was sorry for being so frustrated. Never even answered his texts.

Jeonghan felt tired and exhausted. In his house it was silent and dark. Never bothered to turn on the lights through the longing days or anything for entertainment. It was like no one was even there. Jeonghan was like a ghost at this point. Yet today. He heard a knock upon his door today. First in a week.

The blonde measly got out of bed. Letting his long pants drag on the floor as he shuffled his feet toward the door. His oversized t-shirt he's been wearing for days sway around his milky skinned body.

"Jeonghan.." Jisoo said as the other opened the door.

"Hey.." He spoke softly, letting the other in, not even letting his head look toward his best friend.

"I Have something to tell you, it's about Seungcheol."

"Seungcheol?" Jeonghan hasn't heard this word in a long time. He never once thought out loud. He thought this name was only existing in his imagination.

Jisoo pulled the blonde to sit on his couch. "I should have told you this earlier but I knew you wanted to be alone."

"What is it Jisoo?"

Jisoo began to fidget with his fingers. A common thing he does when he's worried, which worries Jeonghan. "The day I left you in the studio I went to get your pastries....Dk told me some things about Seungcheol and I really think you should move on."

Jeonghan let his eyebrows forward. "What were those things? Is he okay?"

"Dk said he wasn't talking to anyone so your not the problem. Don't ever think you're the problem."

"Jisoo what else did Dk tell you."

"Seungcheol ran away to help his ex-girlfriend." Jisoo spat. That's not what he wanted to stay but he couldn't include the rest. He wanted to protect his friend from Seungcheol because surely he would hurt his friend with the way he was acting with his ex. At least that's what Jisoo thought.

Jeonghan stayed quiet, not even remembering to breathe. -Cheol had a long and when did they break up? This can't be true can it? Was he lying to me the whole time?"-

Jisoo placed his hands on the latters. "Jeonghan, let's get you some help first with this only seeing Seungcheol's face. Maybe you're just not in the right mind state....then forget about Seungcheol. I don't think he's good for you."

The blonde pulled his hands away from Jisoos. Arising from the chair and looking at his friend with disgust. "How would you know what's good for me? Plus I might not be in the right mind state right now but when I met Seungcheol it definitely didn't feel fake. A-and all the bullshit your spitting about Seungcheol isn't true and I won't believe it."

Jisoo stands once Jeonghan begins to walk over to the front door; putting on his shoes. "I am right Jeonghan, it's for the better! Where are you going?"

"To find out for myself. I'm sick of this." Then the blonde exits his home and out of his apartment complex. It was bright outside. He hasn't been out in days so his eyes needed to adjust to the sunlight.

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