Chapter 8

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"Alright That's it! Get up out of bed right now!"

Jisoo had barged into Jeonghan's apartment abruptly. Pulling off the sheets from Jeonghan now letting the cold come over his body making him shiver. He forgot Jisoo had his spare key.

"Go get a shower right now you stink."

"Why are you even here?"

"Because for one. Your best friend cares for you and wants you to be okay."

Jeonghan sits up and stares at his faceless friend. "I hate seeing your face."

Jisoo sighs. "You can't so those words won't lose me. Come on up and out of bed. We're going to the studio."

Joenghan begins to lay back down, making Jisoo struggle to get the older up. "That's just the point! I hate how I can't see you. I hate being like this so much..."

"Joenghan, it will be okay. I know you hate it but this is how you have to live now and I'll be here to help you. Everyone that you've met so far is going to help you through it. Now get up! Let's go to the studio and get your mind off of it with painting."

Jisoo was right, everyone around him was willing to help him feel better about himself. Yet the one person he wanted to help most of all wasn't present anymore. For some odd reason he couldn't find out why, and now he was gone. Jeonghan sighed, he had to do what Jisoo said or else he'd never leave him alone.

He got a shower, which felt really nice but he still had his thoughts that snapped off the uprising happiness. Letting it fall into the abyss of himself. He let his hair air dry as he threw on some clothes and followed Jisoo to the studio.

"Now, stay here and paint."

"You won't actually make me will you.."

"If I lock you in I will."

"Jisoo Hong!"

Jisoo laughs a little. "Then get mad,  throw some stuff, that's why I moved my stuff out of the way, but still! I'm tired of seeing the same emotion on your pretty face. I'll be back, let me go get something sweet for you." Then the black haired left the studio and left Jeonghan to only stand in confusion.

Not for long though. He minds as well 'try' and get his head out of the dark clouds and ease his body into something else. So he grabbed a canvas and placed it in his spot. Opened the curtains to let the sunshine through the big windows and turned on some music. Grabbing various paints and paintbrushes he was ready to start. After throwing his coat somewhere that it won't get damaged he let loose.

Letting his paintbrush begin to make strokes to his canvas. Filling the white portrait with multiple colors, making sure not to miss any detail. When jeonghan painted he could feel everything around him drift off. Letting him and the sound of his strokes fill his small world and he loved it. He finally felt better, why didn't he think of this before. His mind was clear with only painting in mind. An hour had passed and soon enough his thoughts from the past weeks were no longer present.

Jeonghan had completely forgotten about Seungcheol all together. Yet as he took a small break for some water he saw something spark them. Spark the embering fire ready to burn everything in sight. A portrait unfinished. It was covered with a painted sheet. Jeonghan lifted it to reveal his painting of Seungcheol that was still unfinished. The smile smiled brightly through the blue background.

Thus that mini ember began to break through the barricade of Jeonghan's ribcage. Engulfing everything and turning it into angers of ash. It grew and grew until Joenghan felt anxious, wanting to Engulf everything about the painting into ashes like the feeling inside of him. It was a series of hot tears streaming down his face. Grabbing the large painting and exchanging it with the one he just finished. Soon grabbing a big paintbrush and dipping it in red paint, the color of his feelings at the moment, he was breathing heavily and crying nonstop. Then a stroke was placed across the top of the face. Now there was no room for eyes, a nose, cheeks, or even a forehead. Just the smile remained of the half-raw painting.

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