Chapter 5

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Two days passed before Ethan found out where the Knights lived, two long days of phone calls and restless conversations. How hard is it to find one of the most powerful Alphas house?

Most werewolves didn't want to help two vampires find another wolf while other vampires seemed scared to even speak of them. It wasn't until we came across a rouge wolf that led us to a vampire of a large coven known for picking unnecessary fights with the pack that we figured it out.

"You can't just walk up to the castle though; they won't let you get in that far even if they think you're peaceful." Hunter explained over the phone.

"What if I didn't look like a vampire." I hinted.

"Doesn't matter." He shot back, "They don't let anyone that close. You have to be family or have some sort of arrangement."

"So how do I get in contact with the Alpha?" I pushed.

A laugh boomed through the phone making me grip the oak table I was leaning on, breaking it.

"He won't see you." His laugher died down some, "You'd have to be something else to even get him to look at you."

I stood up straight pulling my hands away from the splintered table and looking towards Ethan who was sitting across from me staring at the phone. At our silence he continued,

"Look I don't know what you want from him but I'm willing to help you." He offered.

"You can't help me. I need him." I bit out.

"Why?" Curiosity thick in his voice.

I paused for a moment then stepped closer to the table, "If I were to cross into his territory-"

"You'd be dead."

It was my turn to laugh which made him go silent, "Would he see me if I was arrested?"

He remained silent, no doubt caught off guard by my dismissal of my own death, "I-I don't think so, mostly likely his beta would deal with you."

"Well that's not going to work." I said bitterly, crossing my arms and glaring at the wall behind Ethan.

"I suppose if you did something horrible he might." Hunter suggested.

"Like what?" I said intrigued.

"Kill his guards or people. but it would have to be a lot, enough for him to take notice."

"Victoria no." Ethan shot out in panic.

"Which part of his border is closest to his house?" I said ignoring Ethan who was now up and pacing beside the table.

"One of the closest entrances is the Southeast border about an hour or so, if you enter there and continue North it shouldn't be too far, you'll know you're close when you start to see more guards than regular pack members." Hunter continued, "The forest will thicken too."

"But you said she'd never be able to get that close." Ethan pointed out still worked up.

"It's true, you'd be asking for a death wish. Even if he came to speak with you it would only be for a second, right before he ripped your head off." He explained becoming slightly worried, "I really hope you can find another way, someone else. Whatever you're after it's not worth your life."

"Thank you for the information." I stated going to hang up.

"Good luck I presume." And then his voice cut off as I clicked the button.

The room was silent for a moment, the only noise was our breathing accompanied by our heartbeats, mine much slower than his.

"You can't possibly think about doing it." Ethan said his accent growing thicker as pure panic seeped through.

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