Chapter 6

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Dominic's POV (A few hours earlier)

"Come on Dominic stay with me a while longer." Mia enticed, running her hand down my bare chest. "You can put off those contracts for an hour or so."

She leaned up and kissed the underneath of my jaw, tracing down my neck. I growled lightly and flipped her onto her back, causing her bleach blonde hair fan out over my pillows. I started placing open mouth kissed trailing down her body.

A loud knock at the door had me pulling my head up and turning it towards the door.

"Ignore them." Mia breathed.

I got up, already knowing it was my beta behind the door and pulled on my pants that were thrown to the floor from last night. "Come in."

Mia whined in protest and laid back onto the bed, not bothering to cover up.

The door opened slowly and Lucas stepped in, "We need to talk," then glancing towards Mia's figure, "alone."

I bent down and picked up her dress from the floor and threw it towards her, "Go."

"Really?" She said sitting up in disbelief.

A snarl ripped out of my mouth at her defiance, she quickly bowed her head and grabbed the dress sliding it over her head then heading out the door.

"I can't believe you still keep her around." Lucas stated, "She forgets her place."

I ignored him but thought about it while slipping on a shirt, I knew why I kept her she was a good in bed and that was it. And she stayed because she wanted to be Luna, it wasn't going to happen, but she didn't believe that.

"What's going on?" I demanded walking out of the room towards my office.

"Somethings crossed the border, our troops are following it now." His said from behind me.

I reached the office and turned to look at him, "It?" I asked confused.

"They're not sure what it is, smells an awful lot like a vampire but it's not confirmed." He explained.

"So it's a vampire." I confirmed.

Lucas remained silent, keeping his head tilted down. I knew what he was thinking without using the mindlink, the monster. It was a story every supernatural creature had grown up with, a tribrid who couldn't be killed, one that made empires fall.

The difference between us was I didn't believe in the horror story. The creature was no more than folklore, something to keep children from disobeying their parents. As a child I did believe the story but unlike the other wolves in my pack I actually went searching for answers. I dug through my father's personal library for days, weirdly obsessed with figuring out if she was still alive. The more I read the more apparent it became that she didn't even exist. Each story described her differently, their facts contrasting each other until it made no sense. Now I seemed to be one of the only level-headed person when it came to the legend.

"Follow the trail and kill it, I don't care why it's here or what it wants. I have no tolerance for leeches."

He sent a curt nod then left, heading out to join the troops.

I continued towards my desk, sitting down and getting to work on contracts for ally packs along with vampires who deceivingly claimed to seek peace.

About an hour into the paperwork my door slammed open. I pick my head up ready to yell at the intruder but immediately my jaw locked shut with an audible snap as I took in Lucas's bloody form.

His uniform was completely soaked through in the front and his hands were stained red, while blood splatter covered his face. I stood quickly in alarm.

"We've run into a problem." He spoke but his voice sounded far off, like he was reliving what happened.

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