Chapter 9

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True to my words I picked a room a few doors down from Dominic's. The room was much smaller than his but still large enough to fit the king size bed comfortably and had an adjoining bathroom. It wasn't as modernized as his room, the furniture looked like it was made in the 19th century and yet it looked almost brand new by the shape it was in.

There wasn't much furniture, just a nightstand by the bed and an armoire placed across the room, a matching set made of maple wood. An archtop window was next to my bed, facing the forest. In the corner of the room there was a fireplace, original to the estate but you could tell it hadn't been used in a while.

As plain as the room was it resembled my old home the most, something I regrettably took comfort in.

A maid passed by the open door, pausing in confusion when she saw me,

"Are you lost?" She asked, her voice was sincere.

I locked eyes with her, "Go find me clothes, I am a medium in shirts, 34C and a 6 in jeans." I compelled her, praying she could find me something.

She nodded and scurried down the hallway.

Once she left I walked into the bathroom and started looking through the wooden cabinets, happy to find towels and guest soaps. I took my time setting up the bathroom area, forcing myself to reorganizes things several times waiting for the maid.

"Ms.?" Her voice sounded from the doorway.

I came out of the bathroom, smiling as I saw the stack of clothes in her hands, "Thank you." I said appreciatively.

She nodded again and then left quickly, huh she looked frightened. I shrugged and went to the armoire placing clothes in one drawer, leaving out a set to change in now. I will have to send for my stuff at Ethan's, I thought closing the door to the room and heading into the bathroom.

I turned on the hot water and stripped down, throwing away my shirt and kicking my pants to the side. I stepped in and stood still, tilting my head back and basking in the warm water for a moment.

Picking my head back up I grabbed the shampoo and massaged it through my long hair, curling my noise up at the tropical smell. I let the water rinse it out then doing the same with the conditioner. After washing my body I stood under the water still, not really wanting to get out.

The sound of the door opening outside had me looking towards the bathroom door alert.

I shut off the water and stepped out, squeezing out my hair and wrapping a fuzzy white towel around my body, tucking it so it would stay in place. I looked to the countertop cursing myself for leaving the clothes on the armoire. Cautiously I paddled to the door stopping both my breathing and heartbeat before yanking open the door.

"What are you doing in here?" Me and Dominic spoke at the same time.

I started up my heart again and walked past him towards my clothes, "I told you I would choose a room down the hall."

His hand clasped the top of my arm halting my movement, "You're going back to your cell." He growled.

"Ha! cause that worked so well last time." I said sarcastically.

I tried to gently pull away but he tightened his grip making bolts of electricity shoot up my arm.

"Could you let go?" I griped.

He didn't answer so I turned back to fuss again and caught his eyes staring down at my towel covered body. I bit my lip and twisted my body so that I was facing him, "Alpha?" I breathed making his now black eyes shoot up to mine.

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