Chapter 8

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I made my way through the remodeled hallways taking in the modern touch on a clearly old building. My heeled boots echoed against the original stone floors, going quiet in the areas covered by rugs.

The outside reminded me of my old manor house, but the inside resembled a newer home with painted wallboard placed in front of what I was certain was the original stone walls. Modern light fixtures hung every few feet above my head, shining a bright light onto the portraits hanging on the wall.

I had entered through a side door, not quite sure what portion of the building I was in. I darted in and out of rooms, hiding from the guards and guests, then quickly made my way up a servants staircase located behind a pocket door.

Coming out into another hallway I spotted a bathroom a few doors down and headed that way. I subtly stepped inside closing the door and locking it.

Turning to the mirror I took in my appearance for the first time in over 24 hours.

"Gah!" I let out.

I was covered in blood and dirt and my hair was an absolute wreck. My shirt was definitely ruined by the holes and stains, but I think my jeans could be salvaged. I took my time splashing cold water on my face, staining the white towel next to the sink as I wiped down my face. I made sure to rinse my mouth out, the water turning pink from my recent meal.

I tore through the drawers looking for any type of hair tool, relief filling me when I found a comb. Staring into the mirror I brushed through my hair, not entirely happy to see how much dirt fell from it. Once I got most of the tangles out I ran my hand through it trying to reform the curls.

After, I grabbed the towel again putting it under the running water and wiping the spots on my shirt, trying to get the blood somewhat out. I finally gave up when the spots were a lighter, clearly not coming out. I stuck my finger through one of the bullet holes in my shirt sighing, I'd need new clothes.

Glancing back into the mirror I was slightly satisficed, my clothes still looked dirty and ragged but with my hair and face cleaner my natural beauty made up for it.

I stood by the door listening, once the coast was clear I headed out, leaving the door open like it was when I found it.

I continued down the hallway taking different directions when dead ends appeared, not sure where I was going until I caught his scent, a trail stronger than the others. I followed it till it split, one turning into the door next to me and the other leading down the hallway.

Opening the first door his scent hit me like a truck. I stepped in realizing it was his room, hmm. I walked further into the room looking around.

The room was painted a beige color, keeping a neutral backdrop. A large bed covered in dark grey sheets sat just in the middle of the room several feet back from the door with a nightstand on each side. To the right of me was a large dresser and two doors that were open showing a massive closet and master bathroom.

To the left was a loveseat couch with an oval coffee table in front and a flat screen tv hanging on the wall next to it. Then further back a large bay window accompanied by cushions so that someone could sit by the window. Like the rest of the castle his room kept the stone flooring but a large fluffy rug covered the area around the bed.

I took a moment to walk around the room, peeking into the closet and modern bathroom before turning to leave.

Passing the bed I caught a whiff of another scent, werewolf for sure but definitely not his beta. I picked up the pillow and breathed in, getting familiar with the smell of orange and rain.

Dropping it back to the bed I turn and make my way out of the room, pulling the door closed.

I walked down the hall, following the other trail and going into another room situated on the opposite side of the hallway.

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