Chapter 2

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Victoria's POV (present day)

A warm sensation spread across my neck making me hazily wake from my slumber.

I open my eyes narrowing them as a hand slides over my bare hip, jerking me onto my back.

"Good morning gorgeous." He says, an arrogant smile gracing his face.

"Didn't I tell you to leave last night?" I questioned annoyed.

"I considered but decided against it, we can have more fun this way." He said cheeky, leaning down to kiss the base of my throat.

I clenched my jaw in irritation, shoving him back by his shoulder, "Well reconsider."

"You're really going to turn down another round?" He asked laughing, arrogance filling his voice.

"Yes, now," Guiding his gaze by fisting his hair and pulling his face even with mine, I forced his mahogany red eyes to meet mine roughly, "Get out." I ordered, agitated I had to result to compulsion.

He complied this time, not that he had a choice, and stood grabbing his things and leaving without another word.

Letting out a loud sigh I climbed out of the bed walking into the adjoining bathroom and turning on the shower.

While the shower heated up I stood in front of the mirror examining myself. My raven black hair fell in wild curls stopping right above my hips, messier than usual due to last night. I ran my eyes over my hourglass figure that had been frozen in time at the age of nineteen, then drawing them back up, passing my natural strawberry pink lips, meeting my eyes in the mirror, almost as dark as my hair.

I pulled my eyes away from my figure as it became blurred by the fog. Stepping into the shower I almost moaned as the hot water hit my skin.

I quickly washed myself then exited the shower, wrapping a towel around my body and hair before exiting the bathroom.

"Good morning Shelby." I greeted walking over to the shopping bag now sitting on old fashioned arm settee.

"Good morning Ms. Amsel I hope that outfit suits you." She answered back gesturing to the bag, "I'll go see what I can do with these sheets, let me know if there is anything else I can get you."

"Yes I will." I responded already laying out the clothes.

I turned watching her smile and head towards the door, arms overflowing with the bloody sheets from the bed. I sent a sweet smile as she closed the door then focused on my appearance.

Throwing my towel to the side, I slipped on the matching set of red lingerie and took a seat at the vanity.

After blow drying my hair I curled it and set it in rollers, allowing me to do my makeup hassle free. I applied a dark brown shadow and black eyeliner complementing my eyes, an added bonus when they change, then applied a crimson lipstick. I slowly unraveled my hair letting it fall in large bouncy curls.

Satisfied with my appearance I stood walking to my clothes and pulling them on.

Placing myself in front of a full-length mirror I gave myself a once over. Admiring how the black jeans hugged my hips and ass, while the navy-blue shirt clung to my chest draping around the top of my arm in an off-the-shoulder effect and topped off with my favorite black heels, the red soles matching my lips.

My lips pulled up slightly at the corners in satisfaction. I ran over my figure one more time before turning and heading out the bedroom door.

Coming to the bottom of the stairs I slowed my pace, hearing Shelby's heartbeat before her seeing her.

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