Chapter 7

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Victoria's POV

My eyes follow him as he strides out of the room admiring his broad back, letting out a breathy laugh knowing I had caught him off guard.

My wolf, Keres, growls at me, angry that I had chased him off, but I ignored her.

I will admit not much threw me these days but the last thing I expected was for him to be my mate. I tried my best to act as though I couldn't feel the bond and that his actions had no effect on me. But I was shocked when he lunged at me, I wanted to rile him up, but I didn't anticipate him to react like that. It reminded me of my eldest brother, how he would snap at the slightest sign of disrespect for his fellow soldiers.

I slid back down into a sitting position on the ground, thinking over my plan. Not much had changed, in fact this might be an advantage for me. The mate bond gave me more control over him, seduction would most defiantly work now and perhaps it would be quicker than I thought.

You'll make him hate us; Keres whimpered.

Better him hate us then us end up dead, I chastised.

She let out another whimper before going silent, she knew I was right. If he didn't help us then we'd be dead or put through another decade of torture. I wasn't going to let either one of those happen.

I'm not sure how long I sat there but I listened as the guards changed shifts twice, so I assumed it was longer than a few hours. I had taken two short naps and was officially bored. Sometime between the first shift my gums started to throb lightly. I knew I'd have to feed soon, loosing blood from the fight only made the hunger worse.

From above I heard the wooden door open, scrapping against the gravel then his scent flowed through the prison halls, making my head go dizzy from the smell of forest pine. I composed myself, knowing I couldn't show one sign that I could even feel the bond.

I heard him come to stop right outside my cell door, "Open it." his deep voice ordered the guard.

The cell door swung open with a high whine, but I paid no attention. My plan was well underway now, I needed all my attention on him so I knew what would and wouldn't work.

He walked over to where my chains were bolted to the floor and began to undo them. I watched his hands noting his thick gloves then traveled up his bare arms admiring the way his muscles flexed as he worked.

He was handsome I'd give him that.

"So you considered my offer?" I questioned, breaking the silence and meeting his blue eyes.

"I told you yesterday. No." He snapped in a tight voice.

"Ooh angry." I teased.

I immediately regretted it as he yanked me up by the chains, making my arms twist uncomfortable.

"Ouch you asshole!" I let out slamming my bundled hands into his chest making him grunt out in pain.

I glanced down to his chest in confusion, I didn't hit him that hard. He kept one hand on the chain while rubbing the other on his chest, oooh the silver, oops.

I'd have to be more careful, if I harmed him too early in the game he couldn't-wouldn't help me.

He jerked me towards the door making me stubble slightly. As I walked out I examined the hallway, lighter with the door open at the top. I let him drag me through the corridor glancing in cells along the way to see who else was in here, earning a growl each time. Once we got to the end and began up the stairs I spoke,

"Where are we going?"

He didn't answer, simply continuing to lead me up the stairs. He paused at the top taking an umbrella from one of the guards and tugged me under it, blocking me from the sun. huh, I figured he'd realize I'm not a vampire by now. I didn't comment, I wouldn't give much away thinking it might come in handy later on.

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