Chapter 2- The Awakening

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Nizza POV
***Upcoming chapter may be triggering... and not meant for those under 18**

So it's been a couple of weeks since we got back. Things are back to normal. I'm not doing enough, things aren't cooked right, things aren't clean enough and I'm not putting out enough... Next Monday is Labor Day, I'm hoping to bring this up to him soon. God, please give me a sign of how to approach this. Idk how to do this without this going into extreme chaos. I just need an open door, a clear path... what direction do I go? *sigh* I hope I can figure this out, I can't take this anymore, I want to actually be happy!

"If you don't fucking fuck me soon, I'm going to find someone and fuck them!" And starts out of nowhere.
"I'm so sick of my prude ass wife not giving me what I need and me having to beg for it!"

He realizes he doesn't actually beg for it, right?

"I'm fucking done!" *And says this as he throws the wedding ring across the room*

"If you want to fuck someone else, go ahead, but I'm not staying married to you if you do! I want a divorce!" Ok, that kind of worked out, right? At least I said it... *flinches* I know something is about to happen...

"Wtf, do you mean?! If I want to fuck someone else I can if I want, but you have to still stay with me and you won't have to worry about fucking me because I'll have someone else doing that." He says angrily.

"That's not how that works! If your going to be with someone else be with that person so you can be happy because you know we aren't happy together! So go! Go be with someone else! I don't care anymore! All I know is I'm done!" Me starting to raise my voice but not angrily but with a cry stutter in my voice.

"What do you mean done?! You're done?! Is it because you are trying to go to that damn bar Friday, and I said no? And why would I say yes when you are just trying to see Jay because his brother is hosting the party? Shit, you probably want to fuck his brother, too! You just want to fuck his whole family!" Ant still saying angrily,

"No that's not it, as all! I just wanted to go because they were playing N64 and I wanted to play that and hang out with my old friends. I haven't seen them in a long time and I miss talking to my friends. I'm allowed to have friends that are guys! Plus I wouldn't be drinking because I'm still supporting you and I don't drink because you don't." Me practically in upset tears trying not to flip out completely.

Even though he's been drinking for a while now... he's been trying to hide it, but I'm not dumb. Tried to say it was his brother when he came over to work on the roof the last week, and I chose to believe that for a few days, but it didn't add up.

"If you want to go out so damn bad, I'll go buy you some damn drinks and you can fucking drink here!"

"I told you it's not about the drink..." and before I could finish that he was already out the door going to buy some liquor... and brought it back and throws it at me saying to drink. I'm in my bed at this point and it didn't hit me hard or anything it just landed on the bed.

"Drink up!" He says as he takes a swig. "Well, aren't you going to drink or what?! Fucking drink!" And after a little while he starts grabbing a bat and breaking down my funko shelves and throwing all my funkos everywhere because he's so pissed at me at this point. I find myself hiding in the ground crunched over with my head on my knees as he continues to go nuts... the kids come down shortly after... he tells them to go back up... he starts to clean up the mess he made realizing the kids saw what happened and heard.

After the kids go upstairs he shuts the door and locks it and he said "Well I need sex and you're going to give it to me!"

I start screaming, "No!" Feeling helpless and knowing what was going to happen and after he had just had a bat, who knew what he'd do to me next... I just kept screaming no...

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