Chapter 7-Basic Training- Yellow/Red Phase

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Nizza POV
If you have gone to basic training you already have an idea of what I'm going to write about. You already have an idea of what we did. But everyone goes through this a bit differently and it was during covid, so slightly different...

Well, at reception they had us all lined up per company and platoon we were in. I was in Alpha Company and Platoon 1. (It mainly went based on your last names 😆, I didn't realize that until later) Before we left they had all of us do a video home to our families saying we loved them and we would see them soon, and 😆 you should have heard some of the crazy shit some of them said... I just remember Sergeant Hotel doing his thing of "What the fuck? Why would you say that, now we have to figure out how to edit this thing." Did I mention everyone loved that guy? Did I mention that the platoons we originally had hated him because scared the pee out of them? Literally... he was scary when we first got there a girl actually pissed herself. And when Sazu and I worked with him directly in between before more people came, we discovered he was hilarious and a cool guy. Not really sure why we were all so scared of him, probably just being new to the environment, and man I hate to say that it was kind of funny watching this happen and I'm trying to keep my composure and it was rough. Also not nice to laugh at a person for that... I have mixed feelings. 😆

But back on to us getting ready for the bus. So they give me a sign "Bus 1" I'm the only one with a damn sign and I'm the first one waking, leading up this hill. Holding this sign in place, and I even get complimented on my sign-holding. "See, she pays attention to detail." A compliment from the scary female sergeant everyone said they didn't like. (I actually thought she was nice, just doing her job, got to see her soft side when everyone left and getting ready for new platoons, too, and was growing fond of the Alpha reception company, but a bit sad to go...)

So we were off... now going to our new companies and getting ready for training. We had to carry all of our personal items with us, including our backs packs from home. We had our duffel bags, backpack, and uniforms. Quite the load to start with. The bus stopped drill sergeants told us to run to our platoons (the colored dots we got at reception before we left; I had red)

So there we are running to our platoons up a hill with all our stuff. Then they tell us to run to the support tactical vehicle to load our bags on by color. I was trifling running up and down that hill and going to grab more red bags, but I made it! Then they had us unload them and carry all our bags to the battalion.

This one girl Camo and I were the ones struggling the most. I just wanted to make it, I wasn't going to let a few stairs and everything get in my way, besides once we got to our barracks I knew we could unload our supplies into the locker. But now I was second-guessing buying all the things I bought for this. Ugh... but it will be fine. We were lucky, though, we were first platoon and the females only had to climb one flight of stairs to get to our rooms. I also lucked out having my last name (obviously not the one I'm using for this story) as one of the first alphabetical names, so I got to choose which one I wanted on the bunk bed. I chose bottom because I have a tendency to roll a lot and a slight chance of sleepwalking from time to time. My bunkmate Lunar was awesome, she took the top and was totally cool with it. It was so nice, that was a big worry of mine, and whether I'd have to be on the bottom or top. One less stress down, phew...

Let's talk about my awesome bunkmate. Her name was Lunar and she was 18 at that time, I believe. (Maybe 19?) she was a Leo and was into spiritual things like me. We found ourselves talking about twin flames and other various things while we were there. We always made sure no one was left behind and everyone had a battle buddy. I mainly made sure she had one, too, most of the time. Which after a while did put me in a place where I was the one almost getting left behind, but I'll get to that later. And this was not on purpose or anything, it's because we would eventually have more people join us, and keeping up with everyone and being the odd one out, it kind of made sense, so I had to make sure to go with a pair eventually. I'll talk about this more later. Let's get back to starting training...

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