Chapter 13- Florida Bitches!

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I wasn't sure if it was going to happen or not. With my impulsiveness, I could see this falling through, but Jess was able to get off work, now it was just convincing her beau to let me stay with him and figuring out babysitters for her daughter and her beau's son. We decided to have her daughter go to Disney World with us that Saturday. I would arrive Wednesday night and she would pick me up.

The week before I left, the kids had off of school, so I thought I would treat everyone to a nice weekend away. We went to Great Wolf Lodge. I had never been there before, I had been to the Dells before, but never to Great Wolf Lodge. Another thing off the bucket list! (I tend to add random things to this bucket list as I go, 😂 technically I never had one per se, just a list of shit I never did and try it. Like Yes Man, but not, 😆) never know unless you try, type thing. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hadn't tried it, had to try it, and with my family.

When we got there we went to the water park for awhile while we waited for our rooms to become available. Had some chicken they had in there, and got in a bit of a scuffle with Rae because I told her to eat because she was feeling ill and I knew it was because she hadn't eaten anything. She was a bit irritated, I could tell, people hate to be told what to do. But I'm a mom, and I know when someone's blood sugar is low. Especially having to take care of my diabetic dad for years with his blood sugars. I notice when people need to eat.

When people get low blood sugar, they can get very ornery and she was definitely doing that... her anxiety was extra high. It's gets that way when she doesn't eat. She sometimes doesn't eat on purpose, and I see that, too. You can't just go not eating, especially in a hot area, you will get light-headed. Anyway, people don't like to be told what to do type thing... but it was fine. After swimming I grabbed food for the kids, and then Rae and I grabbed food from a restaurant there. That next day we did a wizard quest with the kids. It was a scavenger hunt escape room type thing located in the Great Wolf Lodge. We also did build a bear stuff there and a mining activity. Each kid enjoyed a different activity. But mainly the older ones and I stormed through the place achieving all the goals with our wands. It was fun! Tambo and Mac sat out toward the end. They were hungry and tired. We grabbed food from a Dennys that had Elvis and other older characters in front, we took a picture by Elvis for my mom. She loves Elvis! After we ate, we all headed home. The parts I didn't mention were the kids fighting constantly and not getting along, but if we toss that aside the trip was beautiful! And that's the part I want to remember. A good family bonding experience. 😆

Well, Jess's car went out that weekend. Which was no problem, I wasn't going to let anything get in my way of the Florida trip. I even bought the tickets for her and her daughter for Disney World, because her budget was tight, and wasn't sure we could go because she had her that weekend. And that's why just rented a car with Dollar and was ready to go!

I was so excited to take a plane there. It was a one-way, no layovers. Got there in 3 hours. Got off the plane and this airport was way different. I had to take a train above ground to get to my rental place for the car. Once I got there I paid for the pass and the extra stuff so I wouldn't have to bring the gas tank at full when I left. It was a Nissan. Like mine was, except mine was acting up, and had to spend damn near $2,000 on it recently to get it fixed. So Nissans made me nervous. That and my last Nissan's transmission went out, the car before this one. So again, they made me nervous. 😆 But it was something.

Figuring out the roads in Florida was a bit difficult at first. But I got the hang of it quite quickly, I just didn't want to drive on my vacation. 😆 Jess said once I got to her house she would take over from there. Which was nice.

Got to her house and just settled in, and got to get her daughter's room to sleep in, since she wouldn't be there until Saturday. It was a bunk bed and I had the lower bunk. Very comfy. Once I got there, got my damn period. Damn it... it was fine, guess no sex with hot guys by the beach... damn! Grrr... it was fine, though. This was a trip for me anyway. And guys were far from my mind. Well, aside from that pain in the ass's name that plagued me all day every day. At this point, I don't think we were talking at all. He just saw the pictures I posted to Snap. And I only posted them to see if he was viewing them. >.> and he was... all of them... and I posted a lot, especially on this trip... so I knew that guy was social media stalking me. 😆 I was avoiding his page like the plague because I didn't want to see what he was taking her to do... it stung. But at least I knew he still
thought of me.

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