Chapter 17- Vegas bitches!!

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***Upcoming chapter may be triggering... and not meant for those under 18**

Before I talk about my amazing trip to Vegas! Let's talk about the filler.

So August, around the time I find out my ex was released my work started having bugs that looked exactly like bed bugs crawling around, and ONLY at night. The old guy would make fun of me for going around and squishing them right away, but I had to if they were what I thought they were. I had a bad allergy to bed bugs. I discovered that when my old stepson had moved in with us and brought all sorts of damn bugs in. I WAS NOT going to have that happen again! So I sent a video of the bugs and a picture of it to my boss, and he said he would talk care of it. So I trusted he would... (remember what I said for the next chapter...)

It was also starting to get weird at work, the old guy was talking about his pervy stuff per usual, but now he was starting to touch me, like on my hand or in other uncomfortable ways. Once he snuck in touching my leg and played it off like it was an accident. Uh no. And also eww! I was now feeling very uncomfortable being there, but I liked seeing the one guy every week when he worked with me, plus when he wasn't working, his friend was, and that meant he could stop by. Plus his friend was cool, too. He actually liked Harry Potter and knew pop culture. Can't say he did or any of the other youngins there did. Was nice to have someone there know about my nerdy pop culture things, even if it was only Harry Potter. I mean, the old guy may have got the wrong impression because I would flirt, but not with him. I don't think I was giving him those vibes. But I knew I felt so uncomfortable there and my paranoia now with these bugs was getting to me. I DID NOT want to deal with them again! So for weeks when I would come home I would have a bag in the mailbox and would take off my shoes as soon as I got in the house, and go straight into the shower and bag up my dirty clothes and wash them right away! I was taking every precaution I could. It was so gross. And I was starting to get bite marks, too. But I couldn't tell if it was the work or from home.
I just didn't want to be there anymore... I was already semi-planning on leaving, but I needed a sign to when and where to do it.

I did like working second though, I could do the kids' field trips with them, and that was nice. The one day, my oldest daughter got to kayaking and I had never been kayaking before, so I saw this as a win-win! And I was excited to go. I legit was a natural. I got in my own kayak and helped all the kids stay on track and was helping them kayak together and not get stuck. My daughter was with her friend and they were adorable, but running into literally everything. They got stuck in a couple of banks and I had to get them out. They also got stuck in a stack of tree branches, too. And here I was, my first time, helping them get loose and teaching them. I didn't mind. I actually loved it! It got me thinking about how I missed teaching kids and being around them. I then started thinking about asking if I could work at aftercare again on my days off. It was in the back of my head, but I wasn't sure, yet.

I was just going to wait it out until after my Vegas trip and figure all of that out. I needed a vacation after everything. So much had happened since my last vacation... When I went to Florida. And before Moon and I started talking I had bought two Harry Potter bed and breakfast places we could go to in the next year. One for around my birthday and one for around his birthday next year. (These legit were the only times available and I had NO IDEA if I'd ever even talk to him again. Plus I had no idea about Africa) But my friend, Apple had mentioned that she wanted to go to Vegas for her birthday and had a hotel and for 4 days everyone was invited to go they just had to chip in $150. What a deal! I totally cash apples that to her and we were all set to go to Vegas in September.

My whole mind was in Vegas all the time... and when it wasn't, well, Moon would come to mind, but not so pleasant thoughts at this point. He was barely talking to me and he was only sending me his stories every day to continue our streak. No real streaks... I mean Dani still had that she was in a relationship on Facebook, but still didn't say with who. Could he still be with her? He wasn't really telling me anything, and hence why I just needed a vacation. But I won't lie, I could feel him with her... and Rae would drive past his house on her way to Jam's house every weekend and see her car in his driveway... so... I was a little sad. So we were back to where we were? Or were we worse than where we were now? It's not like I was in a relationship or anything, though, with him. I was so sick of this and feeling like I'm just a chick that sends him nudes... he kept saying he wanted to see me before he left. None of any of this made sense. I was sad and getting in my dark place again... so Sally and I went out... we went to our usual karaoke place and well... I had a one-night stand with the DJ... we all knew I had a thing for the DJ and he was a good friend, if I was going to do anything with anyone it was going to be with someone I knew and trusted and Moon was with his girl still. Plus I felt I had to get that gross guy from May completely out of my energy, and a good way to do that is by screwing someone else. I pretty much knew it wasn't going to be Moon. He didn't even talk to me really at all and I know he was seeing her. I felt just like a chick that he had on the side for when his girlfriend wasn't around or when things would not work out with his girlfriend I was there as backup... I did not feel important. I felt like shit. I felt like a side piece and not even that because I wasn't getting laid and barely getting nudes if at all. Maybe if I got laid I could forget him and move in with my life, maybe things would get better, right? Well, that night sure changed things for us, but it was mainly that next morning... in the moment I had no regrets for it. It was after I totally did... I felt like I cheated on Moon, even though we were not together and he was legit in a relationship with another person entirely... you can say he totally felt what happened though, like when I can feel when he fucks someone else... because that next day... was very interesting...

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