Chapter 5- Enlisted and Getting Ready for Basic

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***Upcoming chapter may be triggering... and not meant for those under 18**

Nizza POV
It's been one week since I went up to see him. Today my sergeant is taking me to MEPS and I have to go to hopefully finish medical and start enlistment. I was there about a month ago and they had me take the ASVAB and did my vision and my hearing. They also took me to do this duck walk and test my physical capabilities and look at my scars... I felt like a dead body getting examined at a morgue in my underwear... I'm glad they separated me and this one girl from all the boys, that would just be even more awkward. Plus I don't want anyone seeing my body, but Moon... Moon is so proud of me, he even talked me through MEPs when I was up here last time. Last time I was in a hotel and took a bus and we went in by 0600. This time my sergeant just dropped me off.

I'm just sitting here waiting, watching stuff about the "Reptilians" and I'm starting to wonder if maybe I was once a princess or queen of this unknown group. I can't have my phone, but this is some interesting stuff to listen to. I hear all these young boys talking and trying to impress others with how macho they are. I'm just like rolling my eyes. I feel like no one notices I'm here... "Pirate!" That's me...

"We're going to send you to the National Guard office, knock and have a seat, take this with you." Said the hippy cool old dude that was nice and reminded me about food and eating...

I go over and knock on the door, sitting down next to it after like the sign says.

"Pirate! Come on in!" *he sits down* "So you finally made it, how long has it been, I feel it's been a while, right? Going through the process of all the medical records and everything?"

"Yes sergeant, it's been about 6 months all together." And what he meant by the medical records, back in January I met with my recruiter and she was very persistent, and when she asked for something I'd go get it. If it was medical records I would make sure it was achieved within days... I even had to wait a month to get my heart medical records mailed to me from somewhere far away and it was like for 1994-2005, I believe, the rest I could get mailed to me. I also had to go get a new echocardiogram and stress test done... I also had to see several other doctors and have them sign off on surgeries and other medical concerns like my appendix rupturing when I was 18. It was quite the adventure, but here I was ready to be finally enlisted!!

"That's a long time for sure, but you stuck it out and I'm proud of you, so let's see where we can ship you out on October 4, is that good for you."

"That sounds great!"

"Ok good, now I just need you to sign your life away and then we can get you over to getting sworn in, sound good?"

"Sounds good to me!" I said all excitedly, this was actually happening, I was starting to lose hope. But I kept going like my guides wanted me to. I felt this was right and it's where I was meant to be.

Got all my paperwork signed and I headed over to get sworn in. I was the only national guard person for my time slot. There was one guy for reserves and one guy for active. A captain comes out and I was about to salute, but then realized I'm indoors and I'm all confused on that courtesy so I just did as she said. Stood "at ease", rose my hand when she said I had to, and then got to take a picture by the flag with my mask... because masks were still required everywhere... I was now sworn in! I was now in the national guard! I posted that all over social media and I didn't have my first RSP until the first week of June.

In the meantime, I tried to keep doing what I was doing with Moon. He would send me pics every day, but hardly any nudes. One-word responses like "Yup", "lol", "woot woot" 😜 (at my nudes), "truth", "nice", etc... It was frustrating, what happened, we're we done now? But I mean he gave me his hoodie, I'm so lost...

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