Chapter 20- The Finale

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In this chapter, I'm going to explore things. We're going to dive deep into all the feels and at the end, I'll tell you how my year ends. This is going to be the longest chapter, but it's going to be worth it. Sit tight, and buckle up, let's recap...

But first here's the end of my year, December... started out the month with LuLu's birthday party that first Saturday after I got back from my trip. We had her whole class invited to go roller skating. I decided I was going to buy inline blades because I was not wearing those crappy roller blades. Plus I've been longing to in-line again. Possibly even make it to the skate park eventually. When I was younger that was my thing. My blades went everywhere with me. Even to the mall. 😆 Because I was totally a mallrat. But it was nice helping my little ones learn how to skate and get into the swing of things, having LuLu have her friends there and before the party, I got to watch my son and her do their first basketball game of the season. (Well, my first time seeing them so first game for me since I was working) I watched my son steal the ball and watched my daughter become the point guard for her team that week. It was really nice. That Monday I got back to work and I was hurting so bad in my stomach. I left work early and found out I was sick with flu and Covid. Nice, right? That leads to today... all caught up, in mid-December, been sick but got the Christmas shopping done. Which was nice, DoorDashed once this week, and I swear it took me through a damn swamp to get to this one person. Paid well, but damn, my Jordan's got soaked... those have lasted 10 years and now I may have ruined them from that. But they had a long run. Can't complain. LuLu actually got Jordan's recently from a surprise party her other friends, who didn't make it to the party, threw her. It was almost like those friends knew they were going to be sick that weekend. 😂 Funny how stuff like that works out. About to head to a Harry Potter marathon thing with Apple and a few of her friends for this weekend. (See this sounds like a legit diary excerpt from when I was a kid now, 😆 no joke)

Ok not so diary-like; let me legit tell you how this weekend is going. LuLu and I came up here to have a Harry Potter marathon with Apple and her friend and her daughter. It started off like a normal night, we got here, grabbed food, and Apple bought a Roku because the tv wouldn't work. I found it strange that my turquoise bracelet kept coming loose. It legit would never do that. I've had this bracelet for close to 6 months now. And something was off. That should have been clue one for me, but me lately, I've been kind of denying the metaphysical things and spiritual things and literally being told anything about Moon or any "signs" about him. To me lately, it's been a joke. I think part of this weekend was to help me realize, it's not, but not on the way I expected.

So I get up here, we order food, and they give us this amazing tray set up for our little nuggets and a shit ton of fries. Even though they gave me the wrong type of drink, they still gave me a good orange one. I wasn't going to complain. I did want real cream soda so I could attempt to make real butterbeer for all of us. Which was fine. I was coughing like a mad person, pretty much my allergies went haywire. I did a quick tarot check with real tarot cards I found at the end of my bed because I was guided to. All in reverse, but not bad cards to get in reverse. I got the three of swords and 4 of cups reverse as my last two cards, and with what I asked that told me healing and realizing what was in front of them... for the life of me I can't remember the first card... was it the 6 of cups? I seriously don't remember... but we turned on the first Harry Potter and watched that and then set up a Nightmare Before Christmas Clue game. I actually think I was supposed to win because Jack's ability is how I discovered what it was. The three Oogie Boogie kids, the present, and the toy house place. (Or whatever it was called) I said this out loud and still had moved left because I didn't move my character and I rolled. I still should have been able to move my character but the next person went and guessed and I was literally two pawns away. That win should have been mine, but I let her take it even though I don't think she realized I still could go to the middle. This still is up for debate, but I'm almost certain about this. The truth was I wasn't worried about it, I knew deep down I won, and if she wanted to feel like she did, all power to her, right? I mean I would always know. 😆

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