Chapter 1: The long-awaited return

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Harry, Ron and Ginny were all three, seated in the Hogwarts Express which took them to Hogwarts to begin their 4th year for Ron and Harry and their 3rd year for Ginny:"I can't wait to see Mione again," Ginny said, obviously excited."Me too," Ron said."Yeah, we all know why," Ginny said winking at Harry, which he returned.- Oh yeah ? And why ? Ron asked, red as a tomato.- Oh stop it man, we all know you have a thing for our Mione, Harry told him with a little mocking smile.- Exactly ! Ginny said."Roh, it's okay..." Ron mumbled.Harry and Ginny burst out laughing when they saw Ron pouting like a 5 year old child:"Ginny, have you heard from her?" Harry asked the pretty redhead.- Yes, 3 days ago. She returns to Hogwarts but she will arrive during the sorting.- OK"They remained silent until they arrived at Britain's famous school of sorcery. They saluted Hagrid who was taking the first years in the rowboats and headed for the stagecoaches. The three of them got on and were quickly joined by Luna and Neville then the carriage took them to the castle.Once there, they made their way among all the students in the hall and went to sit at the Gryffindor table except Luna who joined the Ravenclaw one. McGonagall burst into the Great Hall after ten minutes of waiting accompanied by the first years. The distribution began:"Brittany Austin.- Ravenclaw!- Chad Aymett.- Slytherin!"And she continued until all the new students were sorted into each of the 4 houses and Hermione still hadn't arrived which began to worry her friends:"But what does she do?" Ginny asked.- No idea, answered Harry and Ron in chorus.- Who are you waiting for? Neville asked them."Hermione," Ron told her without turning his head away from the Great Hall door.- Hermione? She returns ? he asked them, astonished."Yes," Harry replied without looking away."And she should be here by now, she's never late," Ginny panicked.- Ginny honey, she's coming. Calm down, Harry told him calmly."Harry, please don't call my sister 'Ginny dear' in my presence, thank you!" said Ron, a bit bitterly.He hadn't yet digested that his best friend was going out with his adored little sister. He had even sulked at them for a week when he heard the news.Suddenly, the door opened, silence fell over the whole room and students as well as teachers turned their heads towards the large wooden door. A young girl in a mini-skirt, a low-cut t-shirt and leather boots, all tinted black had just entered the Great Hall. She took a few steps forward when Ginny cried out as she went to throw into her arms:"Hermione!!- Hermione?? cried Harry and Ron looking their best friend up and down.- Hello boys, she said smiling at them.- Wow Hermione! You've changed a lot, Harry told her, hugging her.- Well I hope? she asks jokingly.- Of course!- Well then Ronald, we don't say hello anymore?In fact, Ron was so shocked at such a change in his best friend that he had his mouth hanging open and his eyes fixed on her. He snapped out of his contemplation and went to hug her. If she knew how much he had missed her:- Good Ron, you're going to drop her. She must be starving, right Mione? Ginny said."I am indeed hungry," Hermione replied."Come on, sit next to me, we've got so much to talk about," Ginny said, patting her hand on the empty spot next to her.Hermione went to sit where Ginny directed her and helped herself to a slice of quiche."Hello Hermione!- Oh excuse me! How are you, Neville?- Well, and you?- Great ! I'm glad to be back at Hogwarts. I don't regret coming back. France is great but I'm far from you so I'd rather stay here, she said smiling at them.- You went to France for a year? Neville asked him.- Yes, my parents were transferred to France for a year so I went with them and did my 3rd year at BeauxBâtons.- And how is BeauxBâtons? Ginny asked him.- It's great, I thought I was going to be bored but in fact, not at all. It completely changed me."Yeah, we saw that," said Ron, who for a while had been glaring murderously at any boy who dared look at Hermione a little too intently.- Still so jealous Ronald? she said laughing.- What do you want ? That's why we love him, right Ronny? Ginny said.- That's it ! Laugh!- I'm not kidding, I'm just telling the truth.- Yeah, yeah, he said sulking."Well done Ginny dear, he's sulking now," Harry told her jokingly.- Hey, I have nothing to do with it!- "Ginny darling"? Hermione asked her best friend.- Uh...- Did you forget to tell me something in the letters you wrote to me?" she asked him with a mischievous look.She was happy for her best friend. Since the time that Ginny loved Harry, she must have been really happy:"Well, we're not bored, but we're going to bed, eh Hermione? Ginny said winking at Hermione."Yeah, I'm dead tired," Hermione replied, playing her friend's game.Ginny kissed Harry before leaving the Great Hall followed closely by Hermione who just waved at the boys.They went up to Gryffindor Tower and then to the girls' dormitory:"Are we in the same dorm?" Hermione asked Ginny.- Yeah !- But before, it was not like that.- Yes, I know but it has changed, we are just both in this room.- Ah OK that's cool !- Yeah ! Go tell!- Tell what?- How are the guys at BeauxBâtons?- I don't know why but I was sure, said Hermione bursting out laughing.- You're not my best friend for nothing.- It's certain. Well they're not bad.- From what seems, the French are handsome, is it true?- Ginny! What about Harry then?- Hey wait! I just asked if they were handsome. I didn't say I wanted to settle down with one of them."Hermione burst out laughing again. She really missed her best friend:"Okay enough about me! Ginny, what happened at Hogwarts after I left?"- Bah Lavender and Seamus are dating- Lavender, Seamus, together?- Yes and Cedric and Cho's other pitcher are still together!- Oh Cédric, I didn't even say hello to him!- Oh don't worry, he won't blame you!- Well, tell me who is THE handsome kid at Hogwarts?- Hermione is interested in boys now? It's new ?- Yes, I put my books aside and I'm interested in guys now.- Good very good. I hate him but I must admit that Malfoy has become ultra hot!- Malfoy?!!

- Ouais, c'est LE beau gosse de Poudlard mais attention tête d'ange, diable au corps. Tu vas jamais me croire si je te dis comment les filles l'appelle !
- Dis toujours.
- Le Dieu du Sexe !
- Le Dieu du Sexe ?!
- Il a pratiquement sauté toutes les filles du collège sauf les premiers années, toi et moi.
- Quoi ??? Juste toi et moi ?!
-Ouais même les "Sang-de-Bourbe", il se les ait faites !
- Arrêtes ! Tu mens...
- Non, je te jures. Il saute sur tout ce qui bouge et qui est un vagin !
- Je te crois pas !
- N'empêche qu'il était déjà pas mal avant mais maintenant il est carrément canon. Si tu me crois pas, tu verras par toi même.
- Ouais, j'y compte bien. J'irais dire bonjours à mon cher ami le Sang Pur "

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