Chapter 16: The biggest bullshit of my life.

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The next day Hermione woke up with an excruciating headache."Where am I? »Then she felt an arm around her waist:"Aaaahhhh a CNI!!!! »She turned hastily and found herself face to face with Blaise:"But what is he doing here? Wait a minute Hermione"She lifted the duvet and saw that she was completely naked and at the same time saw that Blaise was too:"Damn it! »She felt Blaise move behind her. She got up and looked for her clothes. Once dressed, she slipped out of the Room of Requirement and rushed into the cold corridor of Hogwarts. She went up to Gryffindor tower and up to her dormitory. There she found Ginny in her dressing gown waiting for her, tapping her foot. Looking at his face, Hermione knew she knew and was going to have a hard time:"How dare you do that??!!!- I know Ginny, I screwed up but I was drunk and...- That doesn't excuse you! I warned you ! Malfoy was devastated!- Draco knows?- Of course he knows! He even attended!- He saw us do...- No, but he heard you!- Ola! I just ruined their friendship.- Get changed, we're going down to lunch! »Hermione obeyed. Usually when Ginny spoke like that, it was better for you to obey. They descended from the dormitory and passed the portrait. As they descended the marble stairs of the hall to reach the Great Hall, they saw a crowd gathered around two boys:"How dare you do this to me?!!!- What are you talking about Draco?- You fucked the girl I like!! »He lunged at Blaise and started punching him with all his might. Blaise was trying somehow to protect his face. He managed to get up but Draco grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pinned him against the wall and punched him in the stomach. Ginny rushed towards them and tried to stop Draco:"Stop! Malfoy, stop!- That motherfucker fucked the girl I love!! He deserves what I do to him!! »He gave an even harder blow. Blaise coughed up blood. Harry and Ron came running up and grabbed Draco by the arms and pulled him back. Blaise fell to the ground, curling up on himself, his hand on his stomach. Ginny knelt beside him and helped him up. Draco tried to free himself so he could hit him again but Ron and Harry held him tight. Hermione had remained in the middle of the stairs and watched the scene from above. She couldn't believe it. He was completely crazy this boy. But she had just had proof that he really loved her. Harry and Ron let go of Draco after he calmed down and he started to climb the marble steps. Arrived near Hermione, he said to her:"And the worst part of it all is that I don't even blame you"Hermione watched him climb the final stairs and disappear down the hall. She left to help Ginny carry Blaise to the infirmary.Harry was coming back from the Great Hall. He still couldn't believe that Malfoy had almost killed the guy who was supposed to be his best friend because, if he understood correctly, he had slept with Hermione. He walked past the prefects' bathroom and heard something fall in the water. He entered the water feature and saw that the color of the water was blood red. He approached and saw a razor blade on the edge of the tub. He looked at the huge bath and saw platinum blonde hair floating on the surface. He knew immediately who was under the water. He entered fully dressed and swam very quickly towards the person in the middle of the pool. He picked her up and pulled her out of the water. He laid her down on the cold tiles of the huge bathroom:"Malfoy, answer me!! »He shook him every which way he could and then took his pulse. His heart was barely beating. He gave her a cardiac massage. He was afraid, afraid for his best friend who was going to be devastated to learn that the love of his life had died and when more, he wanted to commit suicide. Suddenly, Draco coughed and opened his eyelids. His wrists were bleeding and his vision was blurry. Then his vision seemed clearer and he saw two green eyes watching him. He stood up but when he wanted to lean on his wrists, he screamed in pain. Harry helped her up."But why did you do that Malfoy?! You are completely crazy!- She doesn't love me anymore. I am nothing without her! I don't want to live without her!- But Hermione, she's crazy about you! If you had died, she herself would have died of grief. You had no right to do that!- Yes, you're right. Potter, you've stopped me from doing something stupid twice today. M..mer...thank you"Harry smiled at the distraught look on his former enemy's face, but he absolutely had to take him to the infirmary to see Madam Pomfrey because he had lost a lot of blood and was still losing blood. He picked it up and they walked out of the bathroom. They were moving slowly because Harry was struggling to carry Draco. They were about to arrive in the corridor of the infirmary when Draco collapsed on the ground:"Hey Malfoy! We are almost there! »Hermione came out of the infirmary and saw Harry at the end of the corridor. She saw him crouch in front of someone but she couldn't make out the other person. She approached them and saw with horror Draco half lying on the ground, his eyes half-closed and Harry who was trying to keep him awake:"Harry!! But what happened?!!- He screwed up his wrists. I must admit that if I hadn't arrived in time he would have died by now!- But quickly, get Mrs. Pomfrey! »Harry didn't have to be told twice and ran towards the infirmary. Hermione crouched down next to Draco and looked him in the eye."Why did you do that?!"I need you too much Hermione," Draco whispered.- Me too, I need you andouille! You have no right to let go of me! Not now ! »Tears ran down her cheeks and she kissed Draco full on the lips. How good was that! To feel his soft, warm lips against hers. Draco tried somehow to answer it:"I swear if you let me down, I'll kill myself and come kick your ass myself!" »Draco smiled weakly:"Do you understand that?! I need you ! We need you !- We ?- Yes Draco, we. »She undid her jacket and put her hand on her belly:"We're having a baby!" You are going to be a dad! Do you understand why you shouldn't let me down?! I love you so much my angel! »She rested her forehead against Draco's. She closed her eyes and inhaled his perfume. She had missed him so much! :"I'm going to be a dad," Draco muttered.- Yes, we're having a baby. A baby for the two of us, just for us.- Yes, a beautiful baby »She kissed him softly and heard Madam Pomfrey rush towards them followed by Harry. She levitated Draco and rushed into the infirmary. Harry picked up Hermione and carried her with him to the Gryffindor common room.Meanwhile, Draco was settled on a bed in the infirmary. Blaise looked at who had just arrived and when he recognized his best friend, he stood up and rushed over to him. Draco had fallen unconscious. He stroked her hair and asked the nurse what had happened to her. She replied that he had mutilated his wrists. Blaise looked at him and suddenly felt very guilty. If he hadn't been drinking, he wouldn't have slept with Hermione and maybe Draco wouldn't have tried to kill himself. He saw Madam Pomfrey healing him but his mind was totally elsewhere. And he didn't blame her for hitting him, after all, he had deserved it even if his blows had caused him to have internal bleeding stopped as soon as he arrived at the infirmary by the nurse. He didn't want to lose him. They were the most popular duo of the college after the famous golden trio formed by Harry, Ron and Hermione. Ah...Hermione...The one who had trapped her best friend's heart. The one who had made him a better person. The one who had made him a man. This girl was extraordinary. She had completely changed him without changing him. He was still his best friend but now he could more easily confide in him without fear of teasing. He really didn't need to die. They all needed him. What would Slytherins be without their prince? What would Blaise be without his best friend? What would Potter and Weasley be without their worst enemy? What would Hermione be without the man she loves?Hermione, for her part, had just entered the common room with Harry who was half carrying her. Ginny rushed over to them and sat Hermione down. She asked him what was wrong and Harry explained everything to her. That he had found Draco in the prefects' bathroom, that he had wanted to kill himself and that he was now between life and death in the infirmary. Ron came to sit next to Hermione and she lay down on the sofa, her head resting on the redhead's lap where she fell asleep a few minutes later.

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