Chapter 4: The Halloween Ball.

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The months of September and October passed very quickly and took with it the little heat that remained. The famous Halloween ball, a new tradition introduced last year by Dumbledore, arrived at breathtaking speed and which also announced the All Saints' Day holiday. The Head Boy had decided to organize a big karaoke like in the Muggle parties and two students of the same year chosen at random should open the ball by singing in duet but without the karaoke, just by learning the lyrics. McGonagall had drawn the 4th years. So it would be two of the 4th graders who would have to sing a duet and it was of course a boy and a girl.One morning, Hermione was stopped by McGonagall in the middle of the corridor:"Miss Granger, I was looking for you everywhere- Do you want something professor? Hermione asked him politely.- Yes, you had been drawn to open the ball- What ? But I can't sing! »In fact, she could sing very well, but was just scared because she knew that everyone would watch her:"But if you can sing Miss Granger!" Here are the lyrics of the song, you will sing second after your male partner and above all, don't tell anyone even your friends and dress up as an angel please, you and your comrade should be dressed on the same theme , okay Miss Granger?- Yes teacher but I can at least know with whom I will sing?- No, you will see that when you enter the room.- But he will be my rider or can I have mine?- If it's your date, it would be a nice coincidence. No Miss Granger, you will have your own date and he his own date"And McGonagall left him in the middle of the hall.Draco was coming out of his Divination class when McGonagall stopped him:"Mr. Malfoy, can I speak to you in private?"- Yes teacher »They walked away from the Slytherin gang and McGonagall said to him:"You have been drawn to open the ball.- What ?- You heard me perfectly- But why me ?- It was coincidence Mr Malfoy, coincidence. Here are the lyrics to the song, learn them by heart, I don't want you to spoil the opening of the prom because of the memory lapse. You will sing the first one and you must not tell anyone about it so quickly put these lyrics in your bag so that your friends do not see them »Draco complied on the spot and put the parchments in his shoulder bag:"Very well, so no one has to know and you have to dress as an angel please, you and your partner will be dressed as an angel, okay Mr. Malfoy?"- Yes teacher but tell me at least who is the girl who is going to sing with me?- No, as I told your comrade, you will know during the opening like everyone else. Oh yes, and of course you will have your own date and just have to sing a song with her"With that, she left and Draco joined her gang:"What did she want from you?" Blaise asked him.- Oh nothing, she just told me about a homework.- OK "D-Day arrived at great speed. Most of the students had not left the castle on the occasion of this ball and even if they knew that it was not the last. All the girls were dolling up in their bedrooms and Ginny and Hermione were no exception:"Hermione, have you seen my cat ears?"- Yes, they are on my bed and you, have you seen my halo?- Yes, she's on my bed. Do you think Harry will like my Catwoman costume?- Of course ! And Cédric, do you think he's going to like my angel costume? Hermione shouted from the bathroom where she was putting on her robe.- I don't know Hermione, I remind you that of your costume, I only saw the halo so yes, the halo, he's going to like it a lot."Excuse me," she said as she walked out.In the hall, many boys were waiting for their date. Everyone was in a hurry to see what the young girls had as a costume. Harry and Ron were among them. Harry was waiting for Ginny and Ron, Luna. Cedric joined them a little later and waited for Hermione with them. Suddenly, Ginny and Luna appeared at the top of the stairs and started down. Harry was fascinated by Ginny, he in his pirate costume looked lame next to his mate's cat costume. Luna, she had opted for an oriental princess costume. Luna was also very beautiful, Ron found himself a bit stupid in his cowboy costume. They clung to the arm offered to them by their date and passing in front of Cedric, Ginny accosted him and said:"Hermione told me not to wait for her and that she will join you in the room so come with us"Cedric nodded and walked into the Great Hall with Ginny and Harry.They found themselves a table of 6 in a remote corner of the room. A scene had been set up where normally the teachers' table should be, hundreds of tables had replaced the 4 large tables, pumpkins were flying in the air as well as bats. Orange spotlights lit up here and there. Clearly, the room was superb. Suddenly, the lights went out and a white spotlight illuminated a person who had just come on stage:

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