Chapter 6: Granger intrigues me

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Half an hour later, when Hermione came out of the bathroom, Ginny was gone. She must most certainly have been going to lunch with Harry and Ron:"I hope she won't tell them anything. But no, Hermione, she's your best friend. Everything you tell her, she keeps to herself."She finished getting ready and went downstairs to join Ginny and the boys in the Great Hall. Arriving in the room, his first instinct was to look at the Slytherin table to see if his handsome blonde was there. But he must not have arrived yet. She went to sit at her table and helped herself to bacon and eggs. Ginny was giving her furtive little glances, obviously not very comfortable, which began to annoy Hermione:"Stop Ginny!" What ?!! Does what I told you earlier shock you that much!?- What are you talking about Mione? Harry asked.- Yes, it shocks me a little but after all, you do what you want. My heart goes out to you but it makes me feel weird, that's all.- Thank you Ginny!- So, are you going to tell us what you're talking about?, Ron asked them."A girl thing," Ginny replied, winking at Hermione.At the same time in Draco's room. He had woken up like Hermione, in a very good mood. I would even say in excellent humor. He was leaving the bathroom when someone knocked on his door."  Come in !- Hey old man!- Hey Blaise!- Well, what puts you in such a good mood, buddy? A girl ?- Yeah !- And which one?- I won't tell you otherwise you'll try to steal it from me!- Oh stop it man! You know very well that you are better than me in this field! If you attract her, she won't let herself be flirted with by another!- Exactly, I don't know if he likes me...- If you only knew how stupid what you just said! All the girls at Hogwarts love you!- But it's not all the girls of Hogwarts!- What ? It's a guy?!- NOPE !! I'm not PD!- Phew! You scared me even though I have nothing like homos!- Yeah, me neither, but guys aren't my style!- Yeah, me neither! But then this girl must be really special!- She is...- Draco, tell me?- Mmm?- You won't be in love, by any chance?- I don't know, I never was. Have you ever been in love?- Yeah !- What ?! And you don't even tell me!!- I was afraid that you would laugh- But why did you want me to laugh?- Bah, it was you who said that love was for weak people and I didn't want to appear weak in front of you..- You are far from weak, my friend! You are my best friend, you can tell me anything!Yeah, I know- So why didn't you?- I do not know.- You promise to tell me everything?- Yes, if you do it too?- Yeah, don't worry. And she became what the chosen one of your heart? Draco said, a small smirk on his lips.- She's dead...said Blaise suddenly finding the ground very interesting.- Oh ! I'm sorry, mate! »He went to embrace her, patting her on the back:"You can cry if you want," Draco told her.- No it's OK. It was last year during the holidays. I moved on.- Ah OK ! So much the better ! But I'm sorry for not seeing that things weren't going well last year.- Oh don't worry, I don't blame you, old man!- OK, let's go ?- Let's go !! I have fangs!- Yeah me too "They passed through the portrait and went into the Great Hall. Draco's first instinct was to look at the Rouges et Ors table. She was there eating a piece of bacon. How beautiful she was! Suddenly, Hermione turned her head towards him and gave him a big smile that made Draco melt. He had never felt this before:- Blaise, how do you know when you're in love?- that a trick question??"No, but when I see her, I feel things I've never felt before," he said while looking at Hermione.Blaise followed her gaze and fell on Granger:"Are you in love with Granger??!!!"Shit," Draco muttered.-I saw you looking at her. Granger?!! No, there Draco you're cheating!- No, I had nothing to do with it, he said while sitting down so that he could see Hermione.- Yes, you could have chosen someone else, Blaise told him, sitting down next to him.- Why ?"She's Potter's best friend," Blaise whispered.- So what ?- I admit that this year, it's hot but your father will ..- My father is not here! Then he won't know anything!! »Suddenly, Draco felt someone behind his back and two small arms slipping around his neck:- Good morning my love.- I'm not your love, Pansy!- If you are even if you say otherwise.- If you want, I am your "love""Pansy gave her a big kiss on the cheek and went to settle down with her friends, a few places further:"Well, old man! You must be in a really good mood not to push Pansy away!- Yeah, I don't feel like being mean today.- Yeah.. I'd rather say it's because Granger is watching you and to see if she likes you, you want to make her jealous.- How do you know ?- Hey, I know you like I made you!- Yeah well, my father made me but he doesn't know me!- Him not but your mother yes!- My mother...yeah.- Stop hiding it! Your mother is the woman of your life! You can't live without! Don't lie to me Draco!- Okay, I can't live without my mother but I'm only 14, isn't that normal?- Yes, it's normal. I don't know what I'll do without my mother either.- Yeah.- And look, I have the feeling that Granger is jealous. Watch how she stares at Pansy!- Oh yeah, she avada kedavrise look!- She has a crush on you, that's for sure! Go ahead my friend!- No, I would after the game the day after tomorrow.- Why ?- Because I want to know things about her so I can impress her!- Why do you want to impress her?- Well, isn't that normal? Wanting to impress the girl we like?- Oh stop it! Tell me why ?- Well ok, Granger intrigues me. »

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