Chapter 14: Why me?

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Later that day, Hermione was taking some fresh air in the grounds of Hogwarts. She was , thinking about everything that had happened since she was back here.Blaise came out from behind a bush, buttoning up his shirt:"Fuck, I freeze them! What an idea to do that in a bush in the middle of winter! No, but I swear to you girls! »He stopped buttoning his shirt when he saw Hermione sitting under the Whomping Willow. He quickly finished getting dressed and left to join Hermione:"Hello you," he said.Hermione watched him sit next to her before answering:" Hi, how are you ?- Me yes but you, it does not seem. I am wrong ?- No, you're right.- You miss him, don't you? »Hermione turned her head to him and looked him in the eye. He had beautiful blue eyes, but they weren't as beautiful as Draco's steel blue ones:"Yes, I miss him. I thought he really loved me and I find him in bed with the other Parkinson's nag.- And you never wondered if there wasn't a misunderstanding? That Draco had nothing to do with it and that it was Pansy he had jumped on him?- No, but it is clear that he must have been happy. Another chick in this pile. New after 2 months!- Stop Hermione! Draco loves you and you know it!- If you say so. Besides, because of them, I don't even know who I'm going to the New Year's ball with"Blaise seemed to think for a moment before saying:"Should we go together?"- What ? You and me ?- Yes, you and me.- But you don't have a date?- No, I always asked at the last moment because any girl I ask, drops her boyfriend to come with me. »Hermione burst out laughing at Blaise's boastful expression."Yeah anyway, I don't know if the one you just made fun of 15 minutes ago was broke but she made you lose your mind."- Why ?- You buttoned up your shirt badly. Your buttons are not in the right holes"Hermione laughed at Blaise who was untying his shirt to put it back on properly:"So are you coming with me?- With great pleasure "He smiled at her, stood up, waved at her, and walked off towards the castle. Hermione watched him walk away and smiled. At least with Blaise, she wouldn't be bored. But she had to do something before tomorrow. She needed to suppress her suspicions. She got up and went back to her room.Arrived up there, she went to lock herself in the bathroom and took out her toilet bag, a cardboard box. She had never been so apprehensive of an answer. Her hands were shaking so much she had trouble holding the box. She opened it and took out what was inside. Ten minutes later, the crash of the broken bathroom mirror echoed through the bedroom.Ginny was coming upstairs to change before going to eat and to find Hermione who she hadn't found in the castle. She entered to find her best friend asleep on her bed, her cheeks moist and holding an object that threatened to fall into her hand. The pretty redhead approached, took the object from her hands and examined it more closely. She had absolutely no idea what it was. Definitely something muggle. She turned it over and realized what it was when she saw it marked "pregnant" on a digital tape. She dropped the pregnancy test on the floor. The sound of the falling object woke Hermione. She stood up, wiped her cheeks and looked at Ginny, her eyes fixed on the floor. She looked at the same place and understood her best friend's reaction. She was pregnant. She was going to have a baby at 14. The baby of a boy of the same age as her, with whom she was no longer in a relationship. Draco Malfoy's baby. How was she going to tell him that she was going to ruin their lives? And what will be his reaction? Will he hit her? Will he sneer in his face? Will he ignore her? What about Lucius Malfoy? Will he kill her for daring to defile her son? All these questions she asked herself and to which she had no answer and probably never will until the time comes. Ginny looked at her with round eyes like Galleons. Hermione burst into tears and Ginny sat down next to her and rocked him gently." Don't worry. It'll be fine, I promise you. He's from Malfoy, I suppose? »Hermione nodded."Ginnie! How will I do ?! I'm only 14! I can't be a mom now. I don't think I'm ready!- Stop freaking out. Calm down.- And Draco is going to be mad at me.- No, I do not think so.- You seem very sure of yourself! How am I going to tell him that?!- Don't think about it for now.- Ginny, why me? Why did it fall on me?!- That's life. It was your fate. Are you going to keep it?- I can't have an abortion. I would never get over it.- So you want to keep it?- It's a bad idea, you think?- No, it's the opposite. I believe that is the best thing to do.- You think ?- I don't think so, I'm sure.- No one should know, okay Ginny? Not even Harry!- Yes do not worry.- I'll think again.- Take your time but not too much either. Because even among wizards, spending three months, you can no longer have an abortion.- Yes I know.- Your test indicates that you are 8 weeks pregnant- I know, I'm already 2 months pregnant.- You mean the baby was conceived the day you and Malfoy got married?- Yes, exactly on November 3 and it is December 30.- Yes but don't worry Hermione. It'll be OK. But maybe we should talk to McGonagall or Madam Pomfrey. Do not you think ?- No not yet.- But what are you going to wait for, Hermione? To have given birth?!- I told you, not right away. The discussion is closed.- If you want- Are you going with Harry to the ball tomorrow?- Yes and you then?- Blaise- Zabini? You're not with Draco anymore so you're going with his best friend? He will appreciate your beautiful blonde.- I don't give a fuck. Tomorrow I'm going to have fun.- Ah, I finally find my best friend!- We're going to have a blast"She put on her pajamas and went to bed. We had to sleep well to be able to hold out at least until midnight tomorrow.

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