Chapter 19: The Valentine's Ball

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Hermione and Draco arrived in their room and as soon as Hermione put her head to the ear, she fell asleep like a baby. Draco lay down next to her and watched her sleep. He was really lucky to have her for him. He stroked her belly. This belly where his offspring grows day by day. To say that there were 6 long months left to wait. He got up and approached his chest of drawers. He took out a small black velvet box and opened it. He smiled as he looked at the object that was there. He hoped with all his heart that it worked.A week later, Hermione's belly had grown enormously. When she went to see Mrs. Pomfrey because she was worried that he was so big, the nurse had told her that among wizards, babies developed faster and that a witch after three months seemed pregnant with 5. months among muggles. Draco was happy with this magnification. She had huge breasts and it's certainly not him who would plead. They had decided to wait until birth to find out the sex of the child. Hermione's parents had been notified of their daughter's pregnancy but had to respect her choice. However, upon finding out who the father was, Mr. Granger had nearly killed his daughter's boyfriend. The one who had been hurting his daughter so much for two years had fathered him and he couldn't believe he was in love now. But Mrs. Granger had calmed her down and the two men had gotten to know each other and liked each other immensely. Mrs. Malfoy had also been informed of her son's future paternity but not her husband. When Draco had told her, she was the one who had clearly stated that her father should not know about it. On the other hand, she was a little skeptical of the Parkinson's family. Draco had been promised to their daughter since their birth. Besides, when Hermione found out, she literally freaked out. She yelled at Draco that he could have told her he was promised, which earned him a remark from Narcissa:"Miss Granger, the Malfoy ladies have to know how to keep their self-control even when they are very angry. »Hermione blushed to her hairline and apologized. Mrs. Malfoy had then said that the Parkinson/Malfoy marriage was impossible now and that a baby out of wedlock was very frowned upon in the wizarding community especially before his majority.The Valentine's Day ball came rushing by and the girls went to Hogsmeade to buy their dresses. Harry had bought Ginny and Ron a beautiful bracelet, a heart necklace for Luna as a Valentine's Day present. Draco hadn't given Hermione anything but she didn't care because she considered the baby as such. But Ginny and Luna were outraged. They bought their dresses from Madame Guipure. Luna had opted for a blue dress, flared down with thin straps. Ginny had bought a beautiful purple dress, quite short and with thicker straps than Luna's and Hermione had nothing to buy because she had decided to wear the white dress that Draco had given her. expands so that her belly has enough room. Besides, everyone at Hogwarts was now aware that Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were having a baby. Pansy had been sick of it for two days. They returned to the castle and went to get ready. Ginny now had the room to herself as Hermione slept with Draco. So the three of them went to get ready in Ginny's room. They took an hour and once ready, joined their rider downstairs.For his part, Draco was stressed. Blaise had come to get ready with him and tried in vain to calm him down:"I'm telling you it's going to be fine.- But imagine Blaise refusing!- But no, she will say yes!- And if she says no, how do I react?!- Well, I don't know, you're crying! But she'll say yes, so no worries. »He opened the portrait and went to drag Draco by the arm out of the room. They went to stand in front of the doors of the Great Hall where, like every ball night, many boys were waiting for their dates. Pansy arrived and took the arm that Blaise offered her while giving Draco a pleading look. It was the first ball where he didn't go with her. But most of the time it was either his spare tire or because it was the one that came to hand. They were joined by Harry and Ron who were waiting for Ginny and Luna. They discussed everything and nothing while hearing their beauty except Blaise who already had it. The 4 boys had now become very good friends. It was not uncommon to see them in the hallways laughing and talking.Hermione, Luna and Ginny appeared at the top of the stairs. They descended the marble steps with elegance under the admiring eye of their respective riders. Hermione took Draco's outstretched arm and placed a tender kiss on his lips."Our first dance together," Hermione said.- Yes.- I want it to be perfect.- Then I'll do my best to make it, my beautiful.- I trust you "Our four couples entered the Great Hall which had been decorated for the occasion with thousands of little Cupids who threw arrows which turned into thousands of little hearts before reaching the students. Small tables of two were set up at the four corners of the room and a large buffet full of various foods and drinks rested on one side of the room. A candlelit meal for our lovers. Our four couples approached 4 tables and all settled around them. Pansy stood apart at the end of the table across from Blaise. She was next to Luna who was in front of Ron who was next to Draco in front of Hermione who was next to Ginny in front of Harry. Dishes appeared in front of them and they started chatting while eating. But Blaise could see that Draco was still just as nervous. He got up and stood behind him:" Relax ! Everything's going to be fine, okay? »Draco nodded and continued to eat while fiddling with something in his pocket. Once they had finished eating, they got up and went dancing.

Hermione twirled around in Draco's arms. She had almost forgotten how magical it was to dance with him. Then once the song was over, he left her in the middle of the dance floor and went to ask Dumbledore something he had spotted having dinner with Professor McGonagall. He nodded and smiled mischievously at her. He clapped his hands and the music stopped to let out background music.

Draco took his wand, muttered "Sonorus", and placed it against his throat:

"Your attention please, I have a request to make"They all fell silent and turned to the young blond. He walked over to Hermione and said:"As you have noticed, I have changed enormously and I must admit, without wanting to brag, that I have changed but only for the good"Some nodded positively while others continued to listen attentively:"And all of this I owe to one person. You, Hermione! »Hermione smiled at him and her cheeks flushed pink as she saw all the eyes on her:"So a week ago, I made a decision. A decision that will change my life and yours based on your answer"Hermione was starting to get a little scared. But what did he mean? :" So this is it... "He got down on one knee and Hermione understood what he wanted. He took out a velvet box and opened it, revealing a magnificent ring adorned with an amethyst. The ring was absolutely stunning:"Hermione Jane Granger, will you be my wife?" »Hermione gaped for a moment. Everyone waited for his response in shock. Ginny also had her mouth hanging open. The only ones who weren't surprised were Harry, Ron and Blaise who already knew:"I know that we are only 14 years old but I really want you to become my wife and moreover, as my mother said, a baby out of wedlock and without being of age is very frowned upon in witch society. . On the other hand, don't think it was my mother who made me ask you that, I was going to do it before she said it. Besides, I had already bought the ring. »Hermione looked at the ring, then at him. She found him beautiful. She felt the baby nudge as if to tell her to agree. Draco started to get up, disappointed:" Hold on ! I would be very happy to become Mrs. Draco Malfoy! »Draco grinned and twirled her around in his arms. They kissed to the applause of all the students. He put the ring on her finger and she kissed him again. She was to become his wife.Hermione was congratulated by the 3 other boys and Luna and Ginny were in ecstasy in front of Hermione's ring:"We'll be your bridesmaids, huh Hermione?" Ginny asked.- Of course, you are my best friends. But how am I going to announce this to my parents?- Oh don't worry sweetheart, they already know.- What ?!- Well yes, I asked your father for your hand first. »Hermione looked at him, surprised."And he said yes to you?"- Yeah. They refuse me nothing.- You didn't use magic anyway?- Sweetheart, it's not because we're getting married that we no longer have the Trace on us. I would have gotten scammed if I had used magic. »Hermione smiled at him and took off her ring to give it to Ginny who put it on her finger:"Harry, when you ask me to marry you, I want the same." In addition, it goes so well with my dress! »She passed it to Luna who tried it in turn:"Yeah, me too Ron!" What do you mean, we'll all have the same engagement ring! »The three girls laughed at the bewildered look of the 3 boys:" No no ! Guys, you're not buying the same one!- Don't worry, we want to make our choice alone, said Ron.- Yeah, sure. Ginny darling, I'll buy you an even nicer one"She smiles and the evening ends very well. They went to bed, smiling.

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