Chapter 2: The Next Ride

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My life is a never ending routine. Jumping off one train and onto the next. Scavenging for whatever food we could find.When we were lucky that was teeny scraps from the garbage. It seems gross, but after awhile you get used to it. Shirley would steal food. That sounds bad and it was until a point. Shirley was at that point. Without the food she would die, starved. My personal favorite was when Shirley would get me tomatoes and carrots! The stems almost taste like the clovers in the meadow. Sometimes I wonder if I would have been better off in the meadow then in the boxcars.

The thing I liked about the boxcars was the diversity of all the people. Some people nice, some cruel. Some people young, some old as Eve. Some people dark skinned, some light. Some people helpful, some abusive. Some people powerful, some timid. Some people American, some immigrants. Shirley met many people in all the boxcars she had been on. She has made a lot of friends, but she always has to part from them. In the human world people mostly fend for themselves. Most only helping others if it helped them. I had learned that a long time ago.

Shirley was pretty. She had a short blonde bob. It was usually messy though. She was very thin with pale skin. She usually wore a plain white skirt and brown top, she sometimes had a cotton grey jacket. Although her clothes were cut and dirty, her beauty and kindness shined through all that. When I vision myself as a human I like to think I would look like Shirley. I would want to be as brave and outgoing and as kind as her. But sometimes she snaps, I don't know why.

End of Chapter 2: Hi readers I hope you enjoying the story so far! Comment what you think will happen next. In chapter 3 Betty will stop talking (thinking) about things and go into the real world.

~Brooklyn Chartingson

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