1: Scratch

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It was a lot like the day Bella arrived in Forks, but also completely different.

Bella had come into class with everyone else, shuffled to her seat, and tried not to stand out. She had, of course, through no fault of her own. But still. She had tried to fit the quiet atmosphere of the small, moody town.

This new student had not.

He came in after the bell had rung, waltzing into the biology lab with the sort of confidence that was completely unwarranted by someone in that state. His neck was wrapped in gauze, there was a crescent shaped cut under his left eye and a bruise on his left cheek.

His baggy green jacket covered his arms, and his t-shirt, however low the rounded neckline, didn't show his chest enough to display any further wounds.

The boy opened his mouth, a singular dimple on display, twisting his smile into a smirk, sparkling white teeth on display.

"Hey." He said, when he noticed the whole room was staring at him. The teacher put down the notebook he had been looking at and made his way over to the student.

"Angelo Choi?" He asked. The boy nodded and grinned wider.

"Yep." He replied, popping the 'p'. "Sorry if I'm a couple minutes late. I wasn't really supposed to get here till tomorrow but I was told to just come anyway..." He trailed off.

The teacher smiled and nodded. "Perfectly all right. We were just talking about onions and how they reproduce. There's an open seat right in front of Edward and Bella." He gestured to the couple. The boy, Angelo, nodded.

He took his seat, shrugging his too light backpack off and into the empty chair next to him.

"Are all the open seats by you?" Bella asked quietly. Edward pursed his lips.

"I try to sit alone, whenever possible." He answered. Bella cast a look over at their new classmate.

Once the room had settled a bit and the teacher was done with the lecture portion, everyone turned to their own textbooks to read and their friends to talk, the boy turned around.

"Hey." He greeted with the same smirk, "I'm Angelo. You guys are Bella and," He pointed to her then to Edward, "Edward, right? I'm usually good with names. Granted it's only been ten minutes.".

"You're spot on." Bella said with a quick nod. Angelo brushed his hair out of his face uselessly, as it just fell back into place instantly.

"Good to meet you guys." He gave them a quick wave, his hand revealing impossibly more band aids, some of which looked slightly bloody.

Bella turned to Edward quickly and noticed he looked nauseous. He could smell the blood. Usually though, he was quite good at keeping a lid on things. He had only really been like that with her, when she first arrived. Did Angelo's blood smell good too?

"Are you...okay?" She asked slowly, trying to continue the conversation as normally as possible.

"Oh," Angelo looked at his hand, like he had forgotten what sort of a state it was in. "I'm fine, don't worry.".

"Can I ask what happened?".

Angelo gave her a strange look, his eyes turning to slight crescents as his smile widened just a fraction more.

"I don't know if you'll believe it," He began, "But I was bitten by a wild animal.".

"Crazy, right?".

Edward left immediately after class, leaving even Bella behind in favor of getting into Jasper's car.

The girl stood there as the pair peeled out of the parking lot. She hoped that he would at least call her or try to explain what was going on.

"Hey.". Bella flinched violently, nearly falling over at the noise. Quickly she was saved from the damp concrete of the parking lot by a firm pair of arms.

"Woah, you okay?" A vaguely familiar voice asked. Bella looked up at her savior and realized it was the boy from earlier. Angelo.

"Oh, yeah." Bella said awkwardly, standing up on her own and taking a step back from the new student. "Thanks.".

"I caused the problem, only fair I should fix it, right? Sorry for scaring you." Angelo said sheepishly. "I just wanted to say hi. You know, trying to meet new people.".

Bella gave an awkward 'ha' at that and found her eyes traveling to the new student's hands.

They were bloodier than they had been before. Because he had caught her, she realized. "Oh, your hands..." She couldn't stop herself from exclaiming. She also realized, belatedly, that he had a similar schedule to what she had been given on her own first day. Did he have to sit there in the office too?

"They're fine." Angelo said, waving his hands a bit as if to show her that they were actually alright. "I would have bled through 'em anyways.".

Now, in the more natural light of the post rainstorm afternoon, Angelo looked more normal then he had inside. Whatever had felt off about him indoors was gone now.

Bella carefully observed the boy. His shaggy black hair hung in his eyes, bangs parted by a widow's peak. It graced the back of his neck, reminiscent of a wolf cut or something similar.

He was tall, about an inch or so taller than Edward but he looked younger. He had a boyish atmosphere to him, a slight innocence. Nothing like the way Edward sometimes felt ancient, eyes hard and posture defensive. 

Angelo was also, undeniably, gorgeous. Cute but sharp features, a perfect jawline, teeth and cheekbones.

He had dark brown eyes that looked surprisingly warm. His skin was warm too, tanned but not by the sun. His skin would probably stay that colour no matter how few times the sun shone in Forks.

Bello wondered why Forks seemed to collect inhumanely good looking people.

That word. Inhumane. It reminded her of her thoughts and feelings about Edward at first and made her mind wander. Was Angelo human?

Of course, it was unfair to assume everyone who was pretty was a vampire, but the theory held some weight. Maybe this was why Edward left without a word. But he had been clearly bleeding, so that couldn't be possible. 

"You okay?". The girl flinched again, startled. "You looked a little...spacy.".

"Yeah, fine." She mumbled. "Uh, I gotta go get home.".

Angelo gave her a bright and reassuring smile. It made her feel much less awkward about leaving. "See ya." He replied with a small wave of an injured hand.

As Bella walked to her car she realized she was far from alone in staring at him. Because he had come in late, no one had a chance to gawk at him on his way to class, but they were making up for lost time now.

It was probably the best approximation to what it must have been like the day the Cullen's arrived in Forks Bella was ever going to get. She had been a shiny new toy, Angelo seemed more like a prize.

Thoughts swirling with the new boy and Edward, Bella pulled out of the parking lot.


God describing a character in the first chapter is killing me but it was a stipulation that I follow the style of the books I had to. 

I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it now 😔

Honestly I was bored so I decided to post this. This account was supposed to be for original works, but I'll get to those eventually. 

If anyone ends up reading this, hi! I know I sound insane but you have to understand that I'm not human and quite literally survive off of teensie tiny bits of motivation I get from doing things like this. 

And like coffee and pasta too I guess. 

Not together tho, that would be awful. 

This isn't my only account here, and I'm kinda known for harebrained schemes and plot lines that are completely out of pocket (I suit the twilight fandom so well, I know) so keep that in mind while reading 😗

Anyways stay tuned for the next chapter!! 

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