14: Tentative

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"You look like shit.".

"I see that the feeling is mutual.". 

Bella and Angelo stared at each other over the table both looking thoroughly worse for wear. Dark circles, bloodshot eyes and a generally tired and defensive posture seemed to be in fashion with those two. 

Although, Angelo noticed that on top of that Bella looked unnaturally pale and a little malnourished. She was probably feeling nauseous. 

Well the diner wasn't going to help that. 

Once again Dan and Charlie had run into one another and the teens were sitting down, enjoying a nice normal dinner where they were all normal humans with no knowledge of the supernatural.

At a certain point, Angelo thought that someone should just tell Charlie. Like fuck, does the man have to stay in the dark forever? Its not that hard to explain it. Just say: hey, you know that guy your daughter was dating? The one you didn't like? Well on top of being an asshat, he's also a literal monster. 

See, easy peasy. 

'Charlie would totally let me kill Edward' Angelo thought to himself as he took another french fry off his plate. 

"So, Angelo." The man himself said, turning to face the teen, "Are you going to Jessica Stanley's party this weekend?". 

"Dad." Bella exclaimed, turning to him in annoyance. 

"What?" Charlie shrugged, "I'm only asking. I think you should go too.". 

"That's the Jessica that came over last week, right?" Dan turned to Angelo to confirm. Angelo nodded. 

"I'm going." The boy nodded, "Come on Bella, you should go. Jessica mentioned explicitly that she invited you, hasn't seen you in ages.". 

"I'm not really a party person. Plus I haven't been feeling super well recently." She mumbled. 

"She hasn't seen you 'cause you've been spending all your time on the Rez.". Angelo looked at Bella, his expression bright but his eyes betraying his annoyance. 

"Dad please, just forget it." She pleaded softly. 

"Alright." Charlie relented, giving his daughter a small smile. "I just want you to have fun.". 

"That's quite an easy request for a teenager." Dan joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "Then again, I'd be happy if this one just matched his own socks.". 

"Hey, no ones ever gonna know if they don't match." Angelo argued with a laugh. 

Eventually the conversation shifted back to just Dan and Charlie talking giving Bella and Angelo a moment to speak again as well. 

"Why are you trying to get me to go to that party?" She questioned, clearly suspicious. 

"Why are you so dead set on avoiding it?" Angelo shot back. "I want you to be able to think of Edward as just another teenage mistake. Or not so teenage, in his case.". 

Bella looked like she was resisting the urge to kick Angelo under the table. 

"He'll never be a mistake to me." She maintained. "You chased him away. Don't you understand that I need him?". 

"You need to take a Graval and have some fun. And not just with the wolf boy." Angelo said simply. "You don't need a man.". 

Bella opened her mouth to explain that it wasn't because Edward was a man but Angelo kept talking. 

"You don't need a blood sucking fake soulmate either.". 

Someone did kick him under the table for that remark, but it wasn't Bella. Dan shot him an unamused look as he tried to keep Charlie from listening in on their conversation. 

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