13: Intermission

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Angelo was enjoying himself these days. 

Since summer vacation had begun, he had committed himself to finding the vampire named 'Victoria'. Laurent had mentioned her and he had gotten the gist from Bella. 

A hunter's work wasn't done until the whole coven was gone and right now their leader was still roaming free, killing innocent, unsuspecting victims. 

So for the past four or so days, he had spending his time on his bike, fully using its off-road capabilities, to stalk the forests. Angelo was mindful not to head onto pack lands. He didn't want to start shit until he was done with this coven. 

Then he could worry about the wolves. 

Actually no, he should get the Cullen's first. Where'd Bella say they went? Alaska? That was really far. Could he get to Alaska on his own? Maybe it would be better to go after the wolves. He should kill Sam first, he was the leader. Without a leader they'll scramble to find a new one, and during that powers struggle they're probably going to fight each other. Then, Angelo could sneak in there and take advantage of them while injured to kill them all with minimal effort. 

There was just so much to do! 

Oh and his birthday was coming up. July second. Eighteen at last. 

His uncle wouldn't be able to tell him shit about what he did. 

Taking another bite of the tube shaped rice cake he had brought with him, Angelo looked around the forest. It seemed like another dead end today. Not even a whiff of the vampire in the area. 

Checking his watch he saw it was nearly five pm. It wasn't late, but he could get going now. He pushed himself up from his sitting position against a jut out in the rock. The dense forest canopy was making it seem much darker than it actually was. Angelo was glad he had good night vision or he'd have to pull out a flashlight to make sure he left no traces and then he'd attract unwanted attention. 

Quickly he walked back towards the road where he had parked his bike. 

Only about a minute into the trek, he smelled something strange. It smelled a bit like-nope definitely a vampire. 

The good thing about vampires was they ran quickly, so they got within range of smelling and hearing pretty quickly if they were running towards you. 

Angelo took a moment to pat down all his weapons making sure they were easily accessible. His best strategy would be to play dumb and let the blood sucker try to take a bit out of him before attacking, but he wasn't exactly dressed like a normal person, since he was dressed for combat. He'd have to rely on his 'acting skills'. Whatever those were. 

"Isn't this interesting.". A female vampire, likely Victoria. Angelo spun around to face her. She was standing on a ridge above him, leaning against a tree. Her face was contorted in a delicate smile, but there was a dangerous, bloodthirsty look in her eyes. 

"Isn't what interesting?" Angelo asked, "And gosh, you startled me there. I didn't hear you walk up at all.". 

The vampire's smile widened a fraction more. "I've been told I tend to scare people. Quite often, actually." She drawled. 

"I'll bet." Angelo laughed a little. "So, what brings you out to the woods?". 

"Hunting." She answered. It was a flimsy explanation. She wasn't dressed for it at all. Her clothes and her shoes were wildly impractical for traversing the woods. 

"Oh, me too." The boy smiled. "Catch anything?". 

"Just one." Victoria grinned. It was too wide. All teeth and no joy. More animal than human. 

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