33: Still

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Angelo blinked up at the sky, holding his hand up to shield his eyes from the sun. 

He sniffed the air, his nose wrinkling as the smell of wildflowers and clean air were overpowered by the stale smell of the undead. 

"Could you go back to doing what you were doing before this?" Angelo requested, "You're kind of ruining my meadow.". 

"Your meadow? I didn't know you owned this mountain." Jasper raised an eyebrow. 

"I didn't know you owned it either, so get going.". 

"Actually, if you consider that he's my guardian, Carlisle owns this mountain so..." The vampire trailed off, "technically the whole coven owns it. And, I was kind enough to carry you out here.". 

"Don't think I can't walk my broken ass back down this mountain on my own." Angelo threatened, "'Cause I will.". 

"Then, by all means, you should be the one to leave the mountain.". 

The human sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. Jasper had officially spent too much time with him. The vampire was getting too good at comebacks. Angelo's humor must have leached into him somehow. 

"Its a fine day." Jasper commented, filling the silence that had fallen between them. He sat down in the grass and flowers a few feet from where Angelo was lying. 

The teen glanced over. 

No matter how many times he saw the vampire's diamond skin, it was always stunning. He realized, in these moments, how vampires were irresistible to most humans. Jasper's warm blonde hair really did make the sparkling look even more intense. 

"If you keep staring at me like that I'll never need my abilities to know how you're feeling." Jasper told him. "Its written all over your face.". 

Angelo's face suddenly went completely blank. Jasper laughed. 

"I always thought it was weird." The hunter told him, "That there are so many vampires with powers in one coven.". 

"Well, it just ended up that way. I don't think Carlisle intended it.". 

"I think he did." Angelo countered, "He'd be stupid not to, to be honest. He's kind of a wet blanket when it comes to conflict and he doesn't have any abilities of his own. Better he has you all to protect him.". 

"Carlisle doesn't need protecting. Humans don't pose a threat to us and he's good friends with most powerful covens. His good manners protect him better than we could." Jasper replied. 

"Good manners wont protect him from me." Angelo teased, "When are you going to whisk me away to whatever mansion you're living in Alaska, by the way? No rush, I just want to kill you and your family before summer's over so I can focus on my college applications.". 

"I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but I'm not dull enough walk you right up to our front door." The vampire quipped. Then, he thought. "You want to go to college?". 

"No, that was a joke.". 

"Why not? Its good life experience.". 

"Are you, a dead person, trying to talk to me about life experience?". 

Jasper let out an amused huff. "I'm a vampire, that doesn't mean I've been living under a rock. I've been to college.". 

"What for?". 


Angelo laughed. 

"What's so funny?". 

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