23: Restricted

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It had been a whole two weeks since Angelo had last seen Jasper and his thoughts hadn't quite left him. Everything about the vampire was weird. Jasper was acting strange for an undead. 

Sleeping with a hunter wasn't all that strange initially, many vampires had met death that way. However, Angelo hadn't killed him. Jasper had smiled when he'd 'tried' but choking him or biting him during sex weren't real attempts on the vampires life. 

He couldn't kill him even if he wanted to. Right now if Dan found out Angelo had murdered one of the Cullens, there would be hell to pay and he was currently living in the man's house and eating his food so it was probably better not to rock that boat. 

Angelo was annoyed. His mind wandered back to the vampire, running through their encounter like a tongue running over teeth. It was annoying, really. 

However, he couldn't find himself to regret it, as fucking that vampire was the only thing keeping his bloodlust under control. The town of Forks was still crawling with shifters and he hadn't felt a neck snap under his grip in a very long time. 

If he wasn't able to squeeze the vampire's once in a while he'd have probably gone insane and killed one of them anyways. And then he'd be a in the same situation with Dan he was worried about. 

So he was happy to fuck the vampire for a while. He just wished he would stop thinking of him every spare minute he got. 

At this point he was convinced that too much of his blood had gone to his dick and left his brain. It seemed like the only logical explanation. 

His only real distraction from those intrusive thoughts were his friends. 

"Hey kiddo!". 

And right now, Charlie. 

"Mr. Swan." Angelo nodded to him, dismounting his bike and taking his helmet off. The man had the door to his police cruiser open, clearly about to leave for work. "Is Bella home?". 

"Yep." The man replied, nodding back at the kid. "She's in there. But good luck getting her to come out, if that's what you're here for.". 

Angelo raised an eyebrow. 

"She says she's been feeling sick." He explained, "I took her to the doctor, they say its stress. She wont tell anybody what's stressing her out so-" He stopped himself. "Sorry, I should let her choose to tell you all this. Not really my place.". 

"That doesn't sound good.". Angelo's brows furrowed. "Has she been eating properly?". 

Charlie sighed. "Well, no. I can't get her too. Did you bring that soup over again?". He seemed hopeful. 

"No, but I didn't know she was still feeling sick. I'll be sure to bring some over next time.". 

"It was the only thing she ate for a while." The officer explained. "I really can't thank you enough for checking up on her.". 

"She's my friend, Mr. Swan." Angelo smiled. 

"Right. Well she's in there and she'll probably let you in." The man told him. "I'm off to work.". 

"Have a good day, Mr. Swan." The teen replied, "And be safe.". 

"Sure thing, kid.". 

With that, Charlie got into the cruiser and started down the road. Angelo locked his bike and headed up to the front door, holding his helmet under one arm and knocking with the other. 

"Bella!" He called out, "Its me!". 

Silence. A couple moments passed and then slowly, the door creaked open. 

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