5: Affirmative

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Angelo loved the feeling of wind through his hair as he rode his bike around. 

But he also liked being alive, so he was wearing a helmet. 

The small two lane highways surrounding Forks were perfect for cruising around on any sort of day. Scenic and quiet. Nearly empty too. The logging trucks weren't enough to make him feel nervous, at least not yet. He always felt secure around people driving vehicles that big, because of the additional licenses required to operate it. People who just barely got their driver's licenses' were far more dangerous, from his perspective. 

The journey to First Beach was a calm and serene one. A light cool breeze blew past him as he followed the minivan that Amy was driving everyone else in as it bounced down the road, excited to go swimming. It was a fairly warm day, at least to him. They wouldn't even need wet suits as normal swimwear was finally appropriate for the weather again. 

The minivan pulled into a small parking lot that was nearly overrun with sand from the long beach. Angelo removed his helmet as he finished parking beside them, breathing in the salty smell of the ocean. 


Even though the day was what most would consider partly cloudy, it was better then it had been since Angelo got there. 

"I am so ready to get in the water." Miranda cheered as she exited the van. 

"Me too." The boy agreed. Three more girls emerged, Amy, Thalia and Jessica, who Angelo realized was also one of Bella's friends. There were also two more boys with them, Nathan and Adam, if he recalled correctly. He usually did, being good with names and all. 

Everyone was quick to set out towels, advising Angelo to use rocks to hold them down from the intense wind. 

Angelo walked into the water up to mid calf before the icy temperature of the ocean hit him. "Geez." He muttered under his breath. 

Thalia, who was a few feet further in, up to her hips, laughed at him. "Don't tell me you're gonna wimp out now." She teased. 

"Of course not!" He replied, his tone dramatic and offended. Thalia wiggled her eyebrows at him. 

"Then I'm sure you wont mind...this!". She splashed him, soaking everything up to his shoulder's completely, and wetting the muscle shirt he had chosen to swim with. 

"Oh it is on!" He called back, wading towards her. The girl shrieked when he splashed her back. 

The others just laughed, until one of Angelo's stay splashes hit Nathan, soaking him too. Then he was in on it too and pretty soon the whole group was engaged in a splash war. 

Miranda tried to push Angelo over once he was deep enough in the water, and he responded by asking her how well she could swim. 

"I'm on the swim team." She replied easily. 

"Good." Angelo smirked, grabbing her and just...throwing her. It was like jumping off a diving board with how high she went. Everyone looked on in awe, even Miranda after she got her payback of splashing him close enough to get water up his nose. 

"How the hell are you so strong?" Adam asked, genuinely curious. Angelo shrugged. 

"I work out a lot I guess." He lied smoothly. Well, it wasn't really a lie. Just not the whole truth. 

After that things calmed down a little and they refocused on just swimming around and enjoying the ocean. 

Angelo was more used to lake swimming, so he was surprised to see a strange flat fish swim past. Everyone quickly explained that it was totally normal, no matter how cool Angelo thought it was. 

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