In too deep

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The blue cub and water buffalo pilgrim have decided to return once more to the little village where Kito had befriended a girl named Daiyu, A human they befriended the first time they were tasked to be independent for a few hours
They two grew to be good friends after the blue simian had saved her from getting picked on by some older children, Connecting by telling tales of old and new and even ones they both heard before
Today the cub had begged to go back to see their bookwork friend, Sha Wujing volunteered to take the child as well as being tasked by The monk to retrieve extra food and water

Kito with an excited grin had hopped on their big blue uncle's back and enjoyed the ride in the skies, Looking down at the side of Wujing's head with a curious glance
"Will I be able to learn how to fly as well, Uncle Wujing?"
The child asked as Wujing looks over his shoulder, giving the cub a sweet smile
"Of course you'll be able to, Kito.
You're a quick learner with a tad bit slower development in your magic, But!
We're all sure that you will join us in the skies in no time."

He reassured as he raised his webbed hand to ruffle the child's big head of twilight blue hair, The cub giggling at the head pats as their tail wags happily
The two soon arrive near the entrance of the village, Sha Wujing crouching and Kito hopping off his back
Landing on the ground with their feet, Though their balance was off due to their usual disguise

A cloak that was meant to hide their true form but it made it difficult to move around a bit, They were used to using their tail for natural balancing but they had to keep it lowered and still when around humans
They were told that it's necessary so they can keep themselves as well as the rest of the group safe from being discovered and attacked, By both humans and demons

Sha Wujing caught the nearly falling cub by the back of their cloak and lifted them up to their feet, Setting them down before he crouched and adjusted the hood over their head
"Do you know where to find me?"
Wujing asked with a curious glance and Kito gave a toothy grin under their mask, Nodding
"In the food market!"
Kito exclaimed and Wujing goes to pat them on the head with a grin, Giving the kid a thumbs up

"Exactly, Little cub!
Don't be too long now, Have fun with your friend!"
Wujing called out as Kito was already bolting off down the village, nearly tripping over their own feet but making a quick recovery
Waving goodbye to Wujing before proceeding further down the village path, Looking around but accidentally having their back bump into someone

They quickly turn around to apologize but were met with an offsetting small smile coming from the hooded man they bumped into, He simply gave a small wave to the young one before proceeding down the path in the opposite direction
Kito simply stared with a raised brow as they could've sworn that he felt cold... Corpse cold...
Their 8 ears perk from under their hood and hair, Turning their head to see a young girl racing towards them
She had a big smile on her face and Kito's eyes sparkle, raising their arms into the air in joy

The cub exclaimed with glee as the girl dove into their arms, both spinning a bit before hugging each other tightly
Kito trying to keep their tail from wagging as it hid under the cloak, Which sucked because that meant they couldn't show that they were really happy
The cub sets the young girl down after their hugging session, Daiyu flashing a grin with a small squeal
"You're actually back, again!"

Kito raised a curious brow in question
"Of course I am!
Why wouldn't I?"
They asked and this gave a hint of sadness within her eyes, Kito worried if they ended up upsetting her but she brushes it off with a small giggle
"Just a silly fear, Anyways!
You ready to play Wei Qi?!"
She asked with a hint of excitement as she cupped her face, Kito's eyes sparkled once again

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