Too young to understand (part 2)

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Once the playdate with red son had ended,
Sun Wukong had come to pick up the blue cub from the demon bull family's home
The Monkey King sitting crisscross on his cloud with the young cub sitting on his lap,
The cub appeared to be not in the best mood though upon closer inspection,
Sun Wukong raises a brow a bit in curiosity and tilts his head in question

"What's wrong bud?"

The Monkey King asked and the cub had their arms crossed in a huffy pout,
looking away with a flicking blue tail
Sun Wukong becoming a bit nervous as on what to do to better the mood of his cub,
Stuck on what to do

"I know you're not actually him..You're just another clone.."

The cub replied to his question and the discovered clone had tensed up upon being found out,
Fur bristling and he had calmed down to try to ease the tension with a nervous laugh
Patting the huffy cub on the head

"Ha haaa!
How'd you know?"

The clone of the monkey king asked and kito simply looked up with some ear twitches,
An almost intense gaze and pressure from the cub who was still not happy had made the clone nearly want to poof away
Kito had took a deep breath and looked away with a huffy exhale and their tail still flicking about in an upset motion,
resting their cheek on the palm of their hand as their elbow rested on the clone's leg

"You don't smell as bad nor do you have a heart beat,
breathing or any of those things,
You're just here instead of him nowadays..
It's not the same..."

Kito had finally admitted of the various times that wukong had sent a clone to look after kito for him as the REAL sun wukong had been with the pilgrims,
Clones had always creeped kito out from not actually being alive but still acting like a living being
A lifeless husk that tried being the real thing, A father

Of course, Kito's words had stung the clone hard in the emotional factor
Being called not real can hurt anyone in any way
Especially a clone

"Well I'm sorry kiddo, You're going to have to deal with it.
Your father is too busy to keep you entertained-"

The cub had stood up abruptly and bared their teeth towards the clone
The clone tensing up in surprise as kito narrowed their brows

"I don't want to be ENTERTAINED!
I just want my dad here with ME!
My REAL dad!"

The cub had exclaimed in a hissy tone,
a few tears falling down from their eyes from how ambivalent they felt
They sat back down and wiped their own tears as the clone was left speechless to the cub's actions towards it,
Sighing and placing his hand on the cub's back as an attempt to comfort but it didn't help
The cub had pulled away from the touch and hugged themselves as a form of comforting themselves,
The rest of the ride back to the pilgrims was silent and heavy with negative emotions

The clone of the monkey king had no words to say as the magic cloud has touched down near the pilgrims,
The 8 year old cub having jumped off immediately from the cloud and rushing towards the pilgrims
Ao Lie smiling and waving towards kito, having arms open for a hug

"Hey Kito, Welcome back-"

The cub had rushed past Ao Lie and the others,
going up a tree as a form of solitude that left the others in shock
Sha Wujing looking between Kito and the clone of sun wukong that soon poofed away in a pile of hair,
The remaining magical essence had levitated out of the pile of hair and towards sun wukong who had absorbed it back
The memories of the clone becoming his own and he felt an ache in his heart,
Looking towards kito and trying to approach but unfortunately was summoned by the monk: Tripitaka

He looked over at the monk and back at kito who was sulking in a tree,
Their back facing the group and The Monkey King sighed heavily
Turning away slowly from Kito to go attend to his duties with the monk,
Ao Lie and Sha Wujing felt and saw the tension that had started between the two simians
They sought out to look for some gifts for Kito to cheer them up, Kito following the group from a distance which was what they usually did when upset at wukong/Tripitaka/Zhu Baije

Though despite their efforts,
Each day the tension between the two simians had grown and Ao Lie/Sha Wujing's help had proven useless
Sun Wukong was always too busy to attend to kito the more the journey went on,
Kito slowly giving up on trying to connect with their own father
They mostly now spent their days hanging out with Ao Lie and Sha Wujing: The only two kito felt like really cared out of the entire group

It seemed too early to grow apart...but fate had other plans as kito walked alongside
The Dragon horse,
The Water Buffalo,
The Celestial Swine,
The Great Monk,
And none other than The Legendary:
Monkey King

Witnessing how great the consequences of heaven weighed upon the legend that was their very father,
From what they've seen
Nothing else mattered than finishing the journey as the poor blue cub had went outside to cry silently in the middle of the night,
Tear drops glistening under the moon light as they colors of their ears had glown and broke through the darkness they hid in

A hand resting on the side of a nearby tree that caused kito's ears to perk and look over,
The six eared macaque had returned once again to console the very cub he never got to see too often from hiding from the group of pilgrims
He sat on one knee and opens his arms wide to which the cub responded by running over and tackling macaque into a hug,
The sheer force allowed macaque to fall back into a shadow portal with the cub and appear in the grassy flower field where the two would catch lightning bugs

The cub cried and cried in his arms as macaque simply lays there to listen and let the tears soak his very clothes and being,
Hugging the cub close and placing a kiss upon kito's head

"It's okay kid...
I'm here..."

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