Prologue: Part 19

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*Ciel's POV*

Once we found Crowley, we got his attention from what he was doing as I showed him the magestone in my hands and we told him we got it from the Dwarfs' Mine. Since he asked where had gotten it as he was surprised we managed to get a magestone. He was shocked about what I told him, which made us very confused as to why he was acting like that.

"Pardon?! You're telling me you actually went to the Dwarfs' Mine in search of a magestone?" Crowley asked us

"Uh...? Yes?" All of us said

"I didn't expect that you'd seriously do it. And never in my wildest imaginings did I think you would actually return with a magestone! And here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents." Crowley explained

"I guess that makes sense..." I said with an awkward smile

"Are you serious?! While we were fightin' some crazy monster for you, you were expelling us?!" Grim yelled at him

"Grim, you got to remember that that's why we went to the mine to begin with." I said while looking at Grim with a deadpanned look.

"'Monster'...?" Crowley asked us, confused by this new information.

'Did he not know about the monster?' I thought to myself

"Yeah. There was a monster, all right. A big, nasty one. It nearly killed us!" Ace said

"Would you kindly relate this story in full?" Crowley asked us as we nod

We were taken to Crowley's office as he felt that it was the best place for us to explain the events that taken place, though I was the one that was made to explain. I don't know why I was the one made to explain to him but oh well. Once I finished explaining to him, he began to process the information I given him.

"Hmmm. So a mysterious monster was living in the mines. And the four of you worked together to destroy it, and then brought its magestone back to me?" Crowley stated as he was thinking

"I don't know that I'd call it 'working together.'" Ace said

"It was more like we just happened to share the same goal at the same time..." Deuce said

"It kinda counts as working together." I pointed out as Ace and Deuce looks away.

"Oh, gracious... Ohhh... Ohhhhhhhhh! *Sobbing*" Crowley began to cry as we jump back

"Crowley, are you okay?" I asked in concerned

"What is this guy's deal?! Burstin' into tears in public? At his age?!" Grim questioned in shock

"In all the decades I've worked at this school... The day has finally come with when the students of Night Raven College have joined hands together to defeat a common foe!" Crowley stated

'So does that mean that students here only focus on themselves and leave others to fend for themselves?' I thought to myself

"Whoa! No! No way would I joined hands with that guy!" Deuce tried to cover himself

"Okay, one, there was no joining of hands. Gross. And two, exactly HOW old are you, Headmage?" Ace tried to make Crowley think otherwise

"You guys suck at lying..." I said to the two with an unamused look as the two panicked.

"At this moment, I am moved beyond words. This incident has proven my hopes were justified. Ciel, my doubts are allayed! For you... You possess the talents of a beastmaster!" Crowley tells me 

"A... Beastmaster?!" I asked in confusion and shock

"My students have all been selected by the Dark Mirror for their exceptional talent and potential. But great talent begets great pride and big egos. Most are so self-reliant and self-centered that they never even consider cooperating with others." Crowley informed me

An Earl in Night Raven College (Book Prologue)Where stories live. Discover now