Number 2

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He walked firmly around the collection room, power and presence in each step as he observed the wall in front of him, filled with rows of precious stones from sapphires to pearls and everything in between. Some gemstones were gifted, some stolen and a few he bought at high-end auctions. He looked at his wall with a space missing. 

The Pink Diamond.

It was the only gem he didn't have and had been taunting him for what felt like an eternity. The people who had it bolted it away with no chance of him being able to steal it, which in a way pissed him off more. He needed that fucking diamond, the rarest of the gems, without it he has this gap in his collection making his prized room incomplete, he needed to find one and get his hands on it and fast. 

He pulled his muscled bicep to and placed his hand on his chin as he thought about ways to get this fucking diamond. He had a mansion and could buy anything and anyone he wanted but the one thing that constantly escaped him was a diamond. Granted the rarest type of diamond but a fucking diamond nonetheless. Are you kidding me?! He shook his head in disbelief when suddenly there was a knock at his door shaking him out of thought.

"Enter." He spoke, his voice boomed, as the door opened and a muscular man opened the door, his tattooed arm holding the handle as he spoke. "Silas. I am sorry to interrupt however we have found something that you want to see." The man spoke, leaving the door open as he walked off. Silas followed him out the door, both men walking with enough power to shake anyone's confidence down to the core. The man dug in his chino pocket and found a swab that he scanned and pressed B which took the elevator down to the basement level. The men continued to walk into a room filled with blueprints, images and screens, it looked exactly like an underground lab and Silas loved it. It kept everyone out and the few he trusted in, it was his security room and his place to go when he needed to get away from the world. He looked at one screen which was filled with many boxes, each showing live footage at each point of the house, he noticed they needed two screens for the whole house. He suppressed his smile as he kept striding by stopping and waiting for the man to speak. 

The man stopped at a blank screen and grabbed a remote, clicking a button which turned the black screen into colour, he then continued to speak. "Silas, with the help of a good team, we think we could have possibly found an untouched mine filled with diamonds. I have had my best people look as much as they can into this mine and they are coming back with positive results about what this mine could hold. If it holds as many diamonds as we think it does, there is a high possibility that it could contain pink diamonds." He spoke, knowing the next few words wouldn't make his boss, Silas Vexan very happy. 

"However... the destination is extremely hard to reach, hence why nobody has physically gone to the destination to check it out. We don't have 100% accuracy. We need someone who can get there and check out the mine." The man said, watching Silas, noticing him nodding very slowly then finally, he spoke.

"Gray, This is an amazing find and I know you don't want to physically take your people there just yet, however, you have left me the task to find someone skilled enough to get to a remote area where the damn mine is. I need someone who is okay with the possibility of being a casualty for money and or information." Silas spoke, his voice thick of thought. Gray Larch then lit up with an idea, he saw a headline earlier, he walked to his desk and started typing, then spun his computer around.

Woman cheated death to secure emerald for her village.

"Bingo. Gray, get me everything you can on this girl."

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