032. unexpected visitors

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unexpected visitors
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮THIRTY THREE! unexpected visitors╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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         The front door of the Byers residence had slowly opened to reveal Eleven, who was clearly alive and well.

An overwhelming amount of emotions had filled the group. Some were in disbelief that she was alive and other were overcome with complete happiness. No one spoke a word as they were too absorbed in taking in her presence.

Mike Wheeler was the first one to step forward and immediately pulled the girl in for a much needed hug, that she gladly accepted. "I never gave up on you." He assured. "I called you every night. Every night for...."

"Three hundred and sixty five days." Eleven confirmed. "I heard." She received a confused look from the Wheeler boy as they pulled away from the hug.

"Why didn't tell me you were there? That you were okay?" Mike questioned in confusion.

"Because I wouldn't let her." Hopper spoke up, stepping forward towards the girl. "The hell is this? Where you been?"

"Where have you been?" Eleven argued but ultimately allowed the older male to hug her.

"You've been hiding her! You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike exclaimed, causing the sweet moment between the pair to end.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let's talk alone." Hopper emphasized before pulling the angsty boy into the other room to speak privately with him.

"Wendy." Eleven called, stepping towards the girl that she hadn't seen in a few days.

The Harrington girl smiled happily as she pulled the smaller girl in for a much needed hug. "It's only been a few days but I still missed you." Wendy breathed out in relief.

"I missed you too. A few days was too many days for us to be apart for." Eleven confirmed, earning a nod in agreement from Wendy.

The two girls hugged once more before Eleven had pulled away to reunite with her two other guys friends. She pulled both of them in for a hug that they both gladly accepted. "We missed you." Lucas admitted.

"I missed you too." Eleven nodded.

"We talked about you pretty much everyday." Dustin assured.

"Teeth." Eleven randomly pointed out.

"What?" Dustin gave her a confused look.

"You have teeth." Eleven confirmed, pointing directly at his newly grown adult teeth.

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