The start

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Grian woke up sweating, he was used to the nightmares but this one had felt too real, like he was experiencing it all over again. He wished he could just let the past be the past and get a new live here. The blonde shook his head and got the thoughts about his past away. This was a good day, he couldn't just let some stupid nightmare ruin his day. He went outside of his ship in a bottle, he then swam up to the surface and took in a deep breath, he could already feel his mood improving.
The sky was bright and blue and had not even a single cloud on it, the grass was greener than he remembered it, and the air was fresh and clean. The blonde was finally out of The End, he was finally free.

//Time skip\\

Grian was down in his bottle laughing a bit to himself, he had looked in almost all of his chests but couldn't find his sea pickles. The blonde was normally very organized but when it came to chests it was the antithesis. And of course they were in the last chest he looked in. Grian had come up in with a cool conduit design but he needed some help with getting a conduit and a lot of dark prismarine.

//Time skip\\

»so this is X-eye-suma-void and he does a lot of technical minecraft stuff«
»wait, how did you say my name?«
»I could have sworn you said X-eye-suma-void«
»nahh, I would never!«
Grian let out a little giggle, he already knew that throughout this whole season he would say this mans name incorrectly.

The men went out to the nearest monument and swam into it, they collected a lot of blocks and Grian got the prismarine he needed.
»thank you X-i-suma for your help«
»your welco- Hey! I knew you said my name incorrectly!«
Grian let out a giggle and left.

Grian grew closer to the hermits as the days went. He talked a lot with Mumbo, the tall mustached man. As the days passed the nightmares about his past faded away, he could now go weeks without having nightmares about The Watchers or Evolution.
He still hasn't told anyone about The Watchers and himself, he was even sure that most of them never even had heard of them. Lucky. Grian had already made a deal with himself to never tell anyone. Not even Mumbo.
Grian flew around his base, this elytra thing was genius, when he went away he thought he would be missing flying the most, but no, almost everyone had an elytra, of course it wasn't the same as flying with wings. But it was almost just as fun. He landed at a nearby cliff to get a good viewing point. He looked at his base and giggled to himself. It looks like a modern cake.

Then he heard a pheew nearby, he quickly looked over at the sound, a man in a villager mask, Iskall. He was it, and Jevin had also paid Iskall to kill him. The blonde quickly felt his heartbeat rise and took of and the elytra hunt started, Grian was one of the best flyers on the server, because of his flying practice with The Watchers, but Iskall wasn't without skill too. After a while of chasing, Grian remembered that he had created a little panic room just for this. He flew around his base, then he flew in it. He went into the little room, making sure Iskall could see him enter. The blonde waited, he could feel how the a drip of sweat was running down his face, he could feel his rapid heartbeat. Iskall entered the room and as soon as he stepped onto the trapped blocks, Grian pulled the lever.

[Iskall fell from a high place]

Grian laughed to himself, mostly just to calm himself down a bit and to regain control of his nerves. Then his communicator vibrated and he checked who the message was for.

[iskall: Hey G, can you bring me back my stuff?]
Grian typed a quick message back [Only if you promise not to kill me]
[alright I promise]

Grian grapped Iskalls stuff and flew over to him, while flying Grian appreciated how the wind hitting his face felt, it reminded him of his flying lessons with The Watchers... No. he could not be thinking of them again. He shook his head to clear it from thoughts. The blonde proceeded to concentrate on the flying, and only the flying.
He arrived and saw the swede waiting for him, Grian threw Iskalls stuff to him. »So dude, I know I promised not to kill you, but I didn't promise anything about not hitting you.« Grian realized too soon what the swedish man was talking about, as he felt the tag hitting him. »Tag, you're it« Iskall said with a giggle, »well, it was a hit that Jevin ordered on you, and now I've hit you«

The blonde let out a sigh and took of to fly over to the TagTower, »stupid game! Why did I make it?« he mumbled to himself.

//Time skip\\

Grian groaned as he fell down for the 5th time. He despiced parkour, and the parkour in the TagTower was difficult. When the end appeared Grians mood improved slightly, he concentrated about the last couple of jumps and let out a big sigh of relief when he reached the top. He quickly finished his business up in the tower and went down again. The blonde male went down to ground and couldn't help but smirk as an idea struck him, he had been tagged that day so of course he couldn't tag anyone, but that didn't mean he couldn't scare the live out of someone. He found Ren and landed in front of him, he quickly took the nametag out and Rens eyes widened with fear, he started to run away and Grian chased after him while giggling, he quickly caught up to Ren but slowed down. The chase continued for some time before Ren decided to flew off, leaving behind a laughing Grian. The blonde was going to have some fun that day.

The next morning Grian was still "it" and needed to tag someone, that someone being False. But he would still have some fun pretending to tag some other players, it was running after people and seeing the fear on their faces. Eventually he flew over to False's base, the blonde went over his plan, then he went in her house and tagged her, he threw the tag-stuff at her and quickly fled as not to get bitten by her dogs.

His communicator went off as Xisuma wrote a message to every hermit.
[hey, can everyone come to spawn? something weird is happening]

~1150 words

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