7.The first interaction

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Author's note: smut is included. Story is happening in this part.

PoV Sebastian

I grabbed my phone from the table and unlocked it. <Y/N> answered. She had herself with another brown haired girl as profil picture. I saw it because she probably just saved my number. She had blond hair and blue eyes. They where I'm a Cafe and both made a funny face. She looks goofy and really good.

"Hey, no problem I just went to bed anyway. How can I help you? 😁"

"Well I just wanted to say hey and get to know you a bit maybe."

"Uhm well I'm 22 years, from Manchester and work for you know. My favorite food is Pizza and my favorite color is blue."

"Sounds good. Sebastian or you can call me Seb. 22 as well germany, Heppenheim. All sorts of pasta and favorite color is blue as well."

"Blue is a nice color! I really like the Red Bull Racing blue. Can't wait to wear it!"

"Sounds good. Do you have a favorite team or driver?

"Well team no. I was never a team fan only a driver. Back then it was Michael obviously. And now I don't know really. Since 2-3 years I watch it more in the technical aspect than the fan of a driver aspect. But the germans look strong 😂"

"You're now working for RBR and myself. So you have no choice now. 😉"

And then for a while there was only "writing....." but no response coming back. Maybe she fall asleep. Well I'm 100% sure that she fall asleep. It's late I should sleep as well.

On the next morning I woke up and looked on my phone. No response still. Well I go grab something to eat. Some rolled oats, fruits and water. Not the best food in the world but it's healthy. When I was done with eating I decided to go for a run outside. I put my sport clothes and sneakers on. Grabbed my phone and headphones and Keyes. Thermo underwear obviously as well when outside are zero degrees here already. After 30 minutes of running I came back to my place. Went upstairs got new clothes and went into the bathroom. I took off all my clothes and went into the shower. I showered real quick because I don't have that much time left until the flight. I dried myself, put on some cream because I got told by Heikki that my skin is to dry and brushed my teeth. I decided against drying my hear because it will do anyway fast. I put my used clothes in my suitcase and closed it. Went downstairs pulled my jacket on and then went our and closed the door. I hopped in my car and drove to the airport. The car was rent anyway and I need to give it back here. I gave up my suitcase and moved to the waiting area. Everyone acted always like it's poison to fly with normal public airlines as a known driver. It's legit the same like a private jet but you waste less fuel because 200ish people fly together. And the waiting and delays aren't that bad. When the boarding began I waited until everyone was done and then I got there. On my way to the plain I got a message.

"Sorry! I fell asleep yesterday. I was to tired and a bit tipsy. Hope you had a good morning so far. Looking forward to meet you on 30th November. May I ask if the 11th of December is the FIA gala?"

I wanted to answere but I needed to get my plain and inside we need to turn off phones. I will answer her after the flight I said to myself. I sat down and looked out of the window. It was the first seat row with more leg room. And only on the other side a woman sat with a dog. I don't have a problem with sitting alone here to be honest. People in plains are the worst. I don't hate kids but some kids on plains are really annoying. When they kick your seat or flip the table up and down. Most of the time the parents are at fault for not entertaining the kids but still annoying. I listened to some music and the flight was over real quick. I went off the plain and waited for my suitcase. It took a while but then it was there. I rolled out with the suitcase and when I came out no taxi was there. Awesome. Now I need to wait for a taxi to come back. I saw a bench where I can sit down for a while. It isn't the warmest way to wait for a taxi but I will survive it. I turned my phones internet back on again so I can answer her. The moment I clicked on the message a little voice on my right said spoke to me. "You are Sebastian Vettel right?" It was a quit soft voice from a little boy. I looked over to him.

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