1.The Opportunity

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PoV <Y/N>

I've got school finished an now? That was my goal the whole time and now I sit here doing nothing.

Life wasent always fair to me. I was so close to finish my school and then this stupid cancer ruined it all. Two whole years I fought with it, and won at the end, but it won't give me my lost time back. Well I at least made it at the end.

"<Y/N>!" My mom screams up the stairs and woke me up out of my day dream. "Yes mom? What is?" I asked annoyed. The last few weeks she always annoys me because she found this fancy job or that one....
"Come down <Y/N>. I maybe found a job you would be interested in."
Not again I said to myself. I need to stay friendly to them because of what they all did for me over all this years. We don't have much money and need to turn over the money twice to be sure that everything workes out. My parents took high debts for me to make sure that I will fully recover physically and they even hired a privat teacher in that time.

Well let's see what she found now.

"<Y/N> look I Red Bull are looking for a new PR Manager. You always liked working with the media and news paper back in the school no?"

"Yeah but mom they look for someone probably that isn't fresh out of school, achieved nothing in his life so far and never worked before anywhere."

"Oh come one <Y/N>. It could be an opportunity. At least send something maybe you're wrong and you would fit into what they plan?"

"That would be a huge coincidence then."

"It would be everything you like in one. Formula 1 and media. You're not in the spotlight and you could see the world and other country's. And stop be so negative for once."

"I will send them a application. Just to show you how crazy your thinking is."

So I grab the paper and go upstairs and start my PC, let's see if I can find out more online. After a few minutes of reading I couldn't find anything explicit. Nothing like "this age is required" or experience in that area. Maybe I should try it seriously. I mean they write on there side that they respond in 2 Weeks from the arrival of the application.

After I wrote the application and sent it away, I texted Mia my best friend if she would like to meet on a coffee in our favorite Cafe. I need to tell her what crazy I just did. So I made my way to the Cafe and sat down in it and didn't even need to wait 20 minutes.

"Heyyy <Y/N>! Nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you too Mia." I answered with a big smile on my face. Mia is my best friend since Kindergarten and was a huge help in my time when I was in the hospital.

"What do you want to tell me that you want to me me now."

"My mom found a job in the news paper. Red Bull are looking for a new PR Manager. And I wrote a application to it."

"No way. Didn't they want someone with experience? More age or so?"

"I've read trough there website and couldn't fine anything written that they want someone with experience or so."

"That sounds great! It could be a big opportunity! Let's hope and get a coffee what you think?"

"Sure! The one I always."

I've waited now for 2 and a half week and still got no answere. I mean it is like I expected it to be but a bit hope was there. Maybe they wanted to wait until the season ends in Abu Dhabi and then contact everyone? I doubt that but my parents and Mia always say this. Maybe they don't want to answere because they think what do we want with this inexperienced girl. Yes this is also a bad habit of mine. Back then when I had cancer and went into therapy I got bullied a lot and that pushed my self-confidence to the floor.

Another week later I already lost any hope. "They said they answere everyone..." I mumbled to myself in frustration. Can't wait to be asked at Christmas if I want to stay the disappointment of the family. Will be awesome holidays again. I wish I wouldn't have..... "<Y/N>? Could you come down there is a letter for you." I've heard my dad scream. Good so I can't finish my stupid thinking.

I went downstairs to see my dad sit on the table with the news paper and a coffee. He reached to the letter and gave it to me with a smirk "It's from Red Bull. Looks positiv no application papers came back." Okay now I'm nervous, I mean obviously. I opened the letter on the spot where I stand. As I pulled out the papers and began to read "Dear Miss Collins, we are extremely sorry for the late answer. We had some problems with our post office. We received your application and would like to invite you to an interview. On the 11th of November at 3pm in our factory in Milton Keynes.

My jaw dropped. Can this really be? I think I'm dreaming. My dad looked at me and my mom who came from work while I read the letter.
"And?" My dad ask. "What does it say? Don't leave us clueless." My mom said after.

"Th...they.... invited me to an interview for the job. I'm... I'm speechless." I said in surprise, shock and happiness.

My mom came over to me and hugged me immediately. "That is awesome
<Y/N>! I'm so proud of you!" She said.

"Proud od you big girl. Let me check if we can find a train for you to the factory." My dad threw in after

I was so in shock and happy that I wrote Mia immediately that I need to tell her all. We talked on the phone for over two hours. She was as happy as I was. And as she said "You will rock this!" I needed to smile and in that moment all came to my mind fully. I am going to an interview for an PR Manager job at Red Bull. In Formula 1. I am so happy.


This is the first chapter of this fanfiction. I'm new to writing story's and the writing style could change a bit over time to time. But thanks for reading and if you liked the first chapter please leave a star.

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