12.Quicker than I thought

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We reached my house where I stay. I looked over to her and she still laid there asleep against the window. When I pulled up into the drive way and parked in the garage I thought about if I wake her up? If I wake her up she maybe feel uncomfortable or sad again about what happened, if I don't wake her up I need to carry her inside but I don't know if we are already this close.

I just wake her up. I got out of the car and grabbed her 2 bags from the back. I opened her door carefully so she doesn't fall out.

"Hey" I carefully nudged her to wake her up. "Hey <Y/N> wake up where there."

She woke up slightly and turned round to look at me "Hmm" she just gave from her.

"I go carry the bags in. Take it slowly you just woke up." I said with a soft smile.

She just nodded and stretched. I walked off and brought the bags to the second bedroom I have in the house. When I turned round and walked down stairs and she stood there in the Livingroom and looked a bit lost.

"Come here." I said and she slurped over to me and we went upstairs with me.

She is super exhausted. She stood next to me and looked a bit around.

"You sure? I mean... Icangooveraswell" she mumbled.

"What? A bit more clear please." I laughed. "But yeah im sure."

She looked at me with big red eyes and just smiled a bit. "Thank you." and walked in the room more and grabbed her bag.

"Tell me when you feel bad or need to talk to someone. Im when you go out left. Then on your right site the second door. I leave it open slightly. The door directly in front of yours is the bathroom."

She nodded and smiled softly. I walked out and went to my room to grab some underwear and a shirt to go and take a shower. I walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I took off my clothes and took went into the shower. When the warm water was going down my body and I was lost in thoughts how quickly that all went. Yesterday we talked in the factory, today Britta 'forces' me to go shopping and we meet her and now she is in the bedroom next to me right now totally exhausted, tired and sad.

I felt weird because I was so cold since I broke up with Viola. But now I see her so broken and vulnerable. I got a strange feeling in my stomach. I feel like I need to protect her im some sort of way. I never had that feeling before, for no one I was in a relationship with so far. But it is not that I fancy her? Or do I? Im so confused in my head. I snapped out because she knocked on the door. I stopped showering.

"Are you...are you done? I don't want to...interrupt you. I would need to go to the toilet urgently." She said.

I started to dry myself quickly and only wrapped the towel around my waist and grabbed my clothes and opened the door.

"Yeah you can go sorry."

She looked quit embarrassed at me, probably because I'm just having the towel around me. I hurried up so she can go to the toilet quickly. I went out of the bath and she went in.

I walked to my room and dressed myself quickly. I waited until she comes out again then I can brush my teeth and dry my hair.

After 10 minutes I felt weird because she didn't came out. So I went up to the door and knocked on it.

"<Y/N>? Are you okay? It's been now 10 minutes." I said through the door.

No response. I knocked again "<Y/N> can you hear ne hello?"

Still no response so I opened the door and walked in. She sat next to the toilet and has her head buried in her arms and knees. I walked up and saw that she threw up in the toilet. Okay she doesn't feel so good it seems like. I went down on her level to look her in the eyes.

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