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"I'll give you this house back if it means that much you. After all, it is your parents' home. You grew up here." The striking brunette sounded patronizing as she looked intently at the blonde, both of them standing in her bedroom.

Jennie didn't get an answer right away. She held the reproachful look being thrown her way by the not-so-pleased Roseanne Park.

"What's the catch?" Rosé didn't even bother to hide the distrust in her voice.

They were back at Rosé's home, well, now Jennie's home, trying to stare each other down. Everything happened so fast. She still couldn't process the events that took place earlier at the party. The party hadn't even reached its peak when they had to leave. She had yet to meet agents and moviemakers whom she hoped could help her with her writing career, when all of a sudden, she was caught in a frenzy of flashing lights, and in a liplock with no other than Hollywood's notorious playgirl, Jennie Kim.

She had no idea how they escaped the mob of paparazzi. It was all a haze to her, but she remembered being outside the office of Jennie's agent and friend, Taehyung Kim, listening to their loud voices as they argued. Joohyun Bae, Jennie's manager, was also there. And now she found herself here, negotiating with the actress, so that she could get her house back. It wasn't cheap. So she couldn't help but feel apprehensive as to what Jennie would ask her to do in return.

"Marry me."

Rosé's eyes widened. If she'd been drinking anything, she would've died choking.

"Excuse me?" The blonde managed to squeak out after her shock. The proposal was anything but romantic. It was spoken in the most nonchalant tone possible. She didn't know whether to be flattered or angry.

Jennie made it sound like it was an ordinary thing for her. Did marriage mean nothing to the brunette at all?

Jennie rolled her eyes at the blonde's reaction.

"I said, let's get married."

"Are you high?" It was the craziest suggestion she'd ever heard. They kissed. That definitely didn't mean they had to marry each other. Where was this even coming from?

"Do you want your house back or not?" The brunette was clearly starting to get annoyed when she didn't get the response she wanted. Her impatience clear in the tone of her voice.

"The answer to that question is easy. I don't understand why you're talking about marriage with me though."

"Hollywood exploded with the news of our engagement tonight. Haven't you heard?"


"Thanks for wearing my engagement ring when I told you to leave it alone, by the way", came brunette's acerbic response. This situation was really frustrating for her. Sure, it was her fault that they got the attention of every news/gossip crew and paparazzi at the party when she kissed Rosé out of nowhere to get out of a certain situation. But there wouldn't have been any mention of an engagement if it weren't for Rosé's foolishness. She wore the ring, meant for Jisoo, that Jennie had thrown away two days ago.

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