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Jennie always thought it was creepy to stare at someone when they were sleeping.

If she woke up to someone staring at her, she'd probably freak out. But that early morning, when she walked into her childhood bedroom in Valencia with a tray of breakfast in her hands, she found herself unable to pry her eyes away from the sleeping form on her bed.

A smile played on her lips.

The brunette took cautious steps towards the bed, making sure not to make so much noise so as not to startle the blonde. The bed dipped as she sat on the edge, carefully setting the tray on her lap and supporting it with her left hand.

Rosé was on her side, her lips slightly parted and her blonde hair dangled messily, covering most of her features. She looked so cute with her arms tightly wrapped around Jennie's favorite stuffed animal, a Koala bear, that she wasn't able to stop herself from reaching out and pushing the stray hair off of Rosé's face. The pads of her fingers lingered behind the writer's left ear, causing her to stir in her sleep.

Immediately, Jennie pulled her hand back. She felt the warm feeling spreading on her cheeks after realizing what she had just done. Fortunately, no one was there to witness it.

"Rosie..." Jennie whispered, unsure whether it was too early to rouse her wife from sleep. She looked so peaceful.

The blonde didn't move, but murmured something incoherent, eliciting a giggle from Jennie. It would have been fun to just stay there and watch Rosé until she wakes up; the funny facial expressions she made when she was asleep were very amusing, but Jennie didn't want to give her parents and her grandmother ideas as to why she stayed locked in the bedroom with Rosé longer than they should.

It was embarrassing enough to find out that her grandma was convinced they were going at it like bunnies. Nope, Grandma Kim didn't even bother to filter those thoughts. She demanded for her great-grandchild/grandchildren, preferably twins, as soon as possible. The Kim matriarch was already suggesting possible baby names that Jennie had to storm out of the dining room, her face red as hell as her parents laughed at the interaction. She missed grandma dearly, but she could only take so much. So, to avoid more awkward situations, she decided to escape into her bedroom with Rosé's breakfast.

"Wifey, wake up." The actress gently shook Rosé's shoulder.

Rosé groaned, cuddling tighter into the stuff toy. A few seconds passed before brown eyes fluttered open, finding a another pair of browns staring back at her. Still half-asleep, her gaze remained fixed at the brown pair, and watched silently.


Jennie's voice was barely audible, not that Rosé was listening. She was still trapped in-between reality and dreamland.

"I got you breakfast in bed." Jennie gestured at the tray on her lap. The blonde, on the other hand, hardly noticed the delicious smell of waffles in the air.

"You're here." Rosé stated gruffly.

The brunette didn't know why, but she found the blonde's morning voice totally sexy. She shook the thoughts right away though, blaming grandma for instilling those impure ideas in her head.

"No, I'm not. You're just dreaming." She joked.

"But you're not made of paper cranes." A look of confusion flashed in the blonde's face.

"What?" Jennie chuckled. "Come on, before it gets cold." She urged Rosé to get up, touching her arm.

The contact caused Rosé to shot out of bed. She sat gaping at Jennie, who was looking back at her, befuddled at her reaction. Now fully awake and after realizing that she wasn't dreaming, the blonde felt suddenly embarrassed.

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