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The Annual Nayeon Im NYE Party

A pair of brown eyes fluttered open to a head of blonde hair.

Rays of the early morning sun were starting to creep in through the slightly parted curtains covering the bedroom windows on her wife's side, casting a silhouette glow as the light hit the back of Rosé's head. It created the illusion of a halo framing the blonde's face.

Her wife looked like an angel, slumbering peacefully on her side, facing her.

A small smile played on her lips.

The sound of a contented sigh broke the silence of the morning.

They were still in her parents' house in Valencia, in her bedroom; the room that the two of them had been staying in since Christmas. It was going to be their last morning together before they move to the family ranch a few miles away to meet with her childhood friends for Nayeon's annual New Year bash.

Sure, they'd still be sharing a bed in the ranch, but it was a reminder that the holidays were about to be over which only meant one thing. She and Rosé would be retreating back to their own bedrooms, in their own beds, as soon as they got back to Eagle Rock, back to the real world.

Somehow, she felt like she didn't even want to go back there.

Jennie was lying on her side, facing her wife. It was too early for her to be awake, but it didn't matter that she wasn't used to waking up earlier than 7 a.m. All that mattered was waking up ahead of Rosé so she could stare at her face. She was familiar with every curve of the blonde's face by now. Sometimes, her wife even snored faintly. And that made cutting her sleep short all worth it.

It hadn't been easy keeping her hands to herself lately. During dinner, her hand always found Rosé's. Her wife never said anything about it despite having a hard time eating with one hand. That also happened everytime they were taking a walk. Or when they'd join grandma in the couch to watch her favorite Korean drama (that made her gagged everytime), Jennie always found herself leaning too close to Rosé.

The urge to touch her wife was getting a little bit hard to control, just as she was feeling now.

Her fingertips were about to brush against the skin of Rosé's face when the blonde stirred, causing Jennie to pull her hand back. Her wife was waking up and she didn't want to get caught staring, so brown eyes shut closed and Jennie remained still. She felt the movements on Rosé's side of the bed. She almost smiled as she imagined the blonde stretching her limbs and yawning adorably, in an attempt to jolt herself awake.

Yes, Rosé did that.

Every morning.

And every morning, Jennie adored it.

Rosé had followed a ritual every morning that they'd slept in the same bed together. And Jennie was more excited of what Rosé was going to do next. So she tried her best pretending that she was still asleep. The movements on her side ceased, and she could feel doe eyes on her.

Rosé was staring at her.

Jennie waited for those particularly soft pair of lips touch the skin on her forehead, but it was taking too long than it normally did. Just when she thought she wasn't getting her 'secret morning kiss' this time, she felt as Rosé moved, closing the distance between their faces. Their foreheads rested against each other, their noses touching. Their lips were separated by a mere centimeter, or maybe less.

She wondered if the blonde could feel her heart beating frantically against her chest, and it almost jumped out as she felt Rosé's lips against hers, leaving a barely-there kiss.

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