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Six tattoos.


Rosé's eyes were fixed on the screen of her laptop as she re-read that part of the article and her eyebrows, puckered at the new information. A while ago, she was browsing the internet to clear her head of the writer's block she found herself in when she 'accidentally' stumbled upon one of Jennie's old interviews with FHM.

She totally wasn't looking for Jennie's photos online. It was the article that got her interested in.


She was too engrossed reading to check out the brunette's photos to notice that she wasn't wearing a bra under that plaid and unbuttoned shirt.

Sure, the brunette looked hot in that shot of her jumping on the bed, but she totally wasn't checking the outline of her defined abs on her tank top.

She totally did not drool on the sight of Jennie's exposed legs on that shot where she was bent down wearing an Auburn jersey and Nike shoes.

Definitely not.

She didn't even look long enough to notice Jennie's glorious boobs that seemed to be jumping out of her screen.

"Six?" She repeated to herself, mentally counting. Her head snapped to the direction of the stairs when she heard footsteps coming down.

Jennie had a late night reunion with some of her friends Jin, Jimin, Dahyun, Yoongi, Jihyo, Namjoon and Chanyeol (yes, that Chanyeol) and had just woken up, it seemed. She marched into the dining room looking like a totally different person than in those pictures that Lisa wasn't looking at a while ago. The actress was wearing a blue spaceship designed onesie and her dorky eyeglasses; her long hair tied into a messy pony tail. She looked so cute that Rosé just could not repress the adoring smile that formed on her face.

She grumbled a good morning to Rosé, who just returned the greeting with a nod.

Her eyes followed Jennie's movements as she snatched her favorite mug, heading for the coffee maker. As the brunette poured herself a cup, the right sleeve of her onesie bunched up, revealing one of the six tattoos she was wondering about just moments ago. She began counting again.

The first one that the blonde remembered seeing was that one on her wrist. If she wasn't mistaken, it was supposed to mean 'love' in ancient Korean.

Jennie had her back turned on Rosé as she was adding some sugar cubes and cream on her coffee. Brown doe eyes settled on Jennie's neck, relishing the memory of how the skin in there felt so smooth against her palm as she held on to her that night.

Rosé cleared her throat.

There it was, the second tattoo; the inked wave.

And then third, of course, there was that dolphin on her shoulder.

Her eyes followed Jennie again as the brunette walked towards the fridge, opening it to search for something to eat for brunch. It was almost noon anyway. Rosé remembered seeing one tattoo on Jennie's ankle, and there was that sort of flag on her other foot. Her eyes drifted downwards, as if trying to confirm the fourth and fifth tattoo.

So where's the sixth?

Her eyes lingered on Jennie's bare feet before it went up again, stopping at Jennie's butt cheeks.

Lisa swallowed the lump in her throat that formed out of nowhere.

Then her eyes slowly trailed higher again.

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