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The First Park-Kim Christmas

Jennie and Rosé were used to how grandma got excited everytime they drop by to visit. Eunseo loved seeing them. But today was different. Today was the day before Christmas and grandma was acting too excited.

Like over-the-top excited.

As in screaming-at-the-top-of-her-lungs excited.

As soon as the Park-Kim couple got out of Jennie's Range Rover, they found themselves in a chokehold; grandma's version of a 'hug'. Jennie took note not to mess with her grandma ever again because the old woman could probably win WWF and make John Cena cry in shame.

The 'hug' was fine. Jennie would have allowed her grandmother squeeze the life out of her, but it wasn't really the tight embrace that was knocking the air out of her chest. Hers and Rosé's faces were squished so closely together, she felt she couldn't breathe. Jennie's face felt warm due to the skin-to-skin contact (no matter how wholesome); she felt embarrassed just thinking about it. Thank god, the blonde did not have the space to turn her head and see how red Jennie's face was.

That was probably the reason why Yeonjun and Yeji were laughing their ass off as they stood by the front door, watching them. The brunette tried glaring at them but that didn't really scare them the way she wanted; that just caused them to laugh even more.

Jennie rolled her eyes. Yeonjun just waved with that stupid grin on his face. Yeji stood amused.

"Grandma..." The brunette called to her grandmother. Rather, that sounded more like a plea.

"You children must start living here. I have to see you everyday. I missed you too much!" Grandma reluctantly loosened her hold on Roséand Jennie, to both of their relief.

"Grandma, we've talked about this before." Jennie whined. While she loved her family with all her heart, the thought of moving back home was mortifying for her. Not only would she have to see her grandmother 24/7 (she could only take so much), she would also have to act couply with Rosé 24/7.

Now, don't get it wrong. Jennie loved spending time with Rosé (that was obvious). The blonde didn't know this, but Jennie actually tried to get off guest appearances that would require her to be away from home longer than 24 hours for the simple reason that she'd miss the blonde writer. This, of course, raised eyebrows; Taehyung's and Joohyun's. But as soon as she gave them her one, true, honest reason (meaning, her wife Rosé), they stopped asking questions.

But the lines were already blurred enough as it was.

"You, my grandchild, is always too busy for your own good. Your wife needs someone to watch over her when you aren't around." Grandma chastised Jennie as she led them into the house.

"I think I can take care of myself, grandma. No need to worry about me." Rosé smiled at Eunseo as they followed her into the house.

"Hi, Rosé! It's nice to see you again." Yeji smiled at her sister-in-law as the three reached the door where she and her brother Yeonjun had been waiting.

Jennie let go of her wife's hand so she could walk into her sister's open arms. She couldn't help but smile contentedly at Rosé's interaction with her siblings. The fact that they got along so well made her heart flutter.

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