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Roseanne Park had never been so scared in her life.

No one had ever scared Rosé this much. Not even the robber that broke into her home that one time.

It was almost two years ago when she woke up to crashing sounds and realized that she wasn't alone in her house. Thank god for quick thinking and her ability to stay calm, she managed to call 911 and before the help even arrived, she impulsively tried to stop the bearded robber on her own, stupidly believing that she could actually take him down with her slight training in muay thai. She got a few bruises from that struggle. He was bigger than her; he did scare her. But that ordeal did not even compare to what she was in right now.

Well, bearded robber guy wasn't Jennie's grandmother.

In the plush living room of the Kim home in Valencia, the blonde sat awkwardly and anxiously opposite the old Korean woman. Her stomach was in knots and sooner or later she was going to puke her guts out, unless grandma tears her appraising eyes away from her.

Grandma Kim was scaring the shit out of the blonde.

That's an understatement.

She never thought she'd wish it ever, but she wished Jennie was there with her right now, more than ever.

"You're Rosé, right?"

That was the first time she actually noticed the darker woman sitting next to the intimidating one. She recognized her as Jennie's mother, mostly because her smile was so similar as that of her daughter's, and because of the press photos.

Jia Kim's smile was a breath of fresh air and she couldn't help but return it.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm Rosé." The blonde nodded. She saw Grandma Kim shaking her head, looking disappointed. As to why, she couldn't think of a reason. That's the first time she actually spoke.

"Please, call me Jia. Or better yet, you can start calling me mom. I'm Jennie's mother. And this is Eunseo, Jennie's grandmother." Mom's chuckle sounded like Jennie's, and Rosé's smile grew wider.

"How old are you?"

Rosé's eyes snapped back to the direction of Jennie's grandmother. While Jennie got her mother's smile, it was obvious that her strong features were courtesy of the Kim genes. Grandma's facial expression matched that of her granddaughter's. She would have laughed at the uncanny resemblance, if grandma wasn't giving her that look.

"Uhm, I'm 25." Rosé's reply was so soft, she barely heard herself.

"And what do your parents do?"

The blonde thought of those cop shows she sometimes watch and could only place herself in the position of their suspects. Mom and grandma were playing good cop-bad cop. It sucked feeling like the bad guy.

"My father died a long time ago." Rosé turned her eyes away from grandma's prying ones. Thinking about her father always made her sad and she didn't want these people who are practically strangers to her to see her vulnerable.

"I'm sorry, sweetie." Mom said in apology.

She didn't see grandma's eyes soften. But she did notice the change in her tone when the older Kim asked her again.

"Where's your mother?"

Rosé's eyes darted towards Jennie's mom before settling back to meet grandma's chocolate brown ones.

God, even their eyes are alike.

"I don't know where she is. I, uh... never seen her for a long time."

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