Chapter 2: FULL HOUSE

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"Are you stalking me?" A raspy voice broke the silence that momentarily settled between the two women. Brown eyes narrowed at Rosé, who stood frozen at the threshold while the brunette actress blocked the door with her arms crossed.

"What are you doing in my house?" The question came with an exasperated sigh. The writer did not seem to catch the accusation, though. Seeing Jennie again just brought back the memories (and her annoyance) from the plane and for a moment, she forgot what her predicament was.

"Oh, you mean my house, clumsy blonde stalker?" Jennie corrected with a raise of an eyebrow.

"I'm not stalking you and my name is Rosé." The blonde's sharp reply.

"I didn't ask." The actress replied casually, while letting her eyes wander, blatantly assessing Rosé from head to foot. It was the first time that Jennie actually got to check out the blonde. Her raised eyebrow went up even higher, her lips forming into a grin.

Clumsy blonde stalker is kinda hot.

The not-so-subtle leering brought a blush into pale cheeks. Rosé unconsciously crossed her arms in an attempt to cover herself up. Why did she choose today to wear her shirt with a very low neckline? Oh how she wanted to slap that predatory smirk off Jennie's face.

"Am I being punk'd or something? Come on Jungkook, you can come out now!"

Rosé closed her eyes and took in some deep breaths. She was absolutely annoyed by Jennie, but she had to be nice. She needed to be nice because apparently, Jennie Kim was Diana Prince and her plan to get the house back wouldn't really work if she gave in to her urge to smack the actress in the face.

She wished she didn't have to beg.

"Look, there had been some misunderstanding and some swindling involved here. This is my house. I wasn't selling it. You bought it from my scheming friends."

"And that's my problem how?"

Of course Jennie wouldn't care. Why would she? There really was no one to blame here but Jungkook and Lisa. Rosé lifted her right hand to rub her temple, trying to calm herself and at the same time, thinking of her next plan.

Rosé did not notice Jennie observing her the whole time.

"You have shitty friends." The brunette commented.

"We had our good times." Rosé shrugged. She tried to think of a reason why her friends had to do what they did but couldn't come up with one. They were not criminals and there's got to be a reason why they had to resort to conning her. But there was no way to find out if they wouldn't tell her themselves.

"You should sue them and have them arrested." Jennie sounded sympathetic. Although she didn't know the whole story, she felt for the blonde. Whoever Rosé's friends were, they deserve to rot in jail for selling the blonde's house without her consent. On a side note, she was also impressed that they managed to pull it off.

"I don't know if I want them to go to jail."

Jennie leaned against the doorframe, watching the conflicted look on the blonde's face. She seemed tired, and at the same time, frustrated.

"Just like that? They sold your house, and you're just letting them off?"

"They are my friends." Rosé sighed. Actually, Jungkook and Lisa were her family. Since her father died and she had no idea where her mother was, those two had always been there for her. They grew up together. Even when Jungkook and Lisa started dating, they stuck with her. They were the closest to family that Rosé could ever have.

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