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Jennie's voice broke, and she'd barely even started.

"There's so many things that I want to tell you. I don't even know how to begin. I just, uhm... I haven't told you this before, but you're the best coincidence that ever happened to me. You make me so happy. And I'd do anything, ANYTHING, to make you feel the same way because I-"

The raspy voice trailed off. It took a moment before the actress spoke again. She almost let it slip that she loved Rosé, but stopped herself before the word came out. Rosé deserved more than just a phone confession. Keeping her feelings in check wasn't that easy for Jennie, however.

"I care, about you..."

There was that sound that sounded like a sob.

"You probably have arrived in Utah already. I hope you're doing well. Get back home safe. Uhm, I won't be home when you get back. I'm driving somewhere right now. I just can't go back home knowing that you're not going to be there. I can't take it. I'm just, uh, taking some time away. I kind of needed some time. Some 'me' time to think about some things. Don't worry, I won't take long and I'm doing alright. Just give me this time. And I'm giving you space. You did say you needed it. And then we'll talk. I can't wait to see you, honey."

A pale hand reached out from under the warm covers to the bedside phone and played the voice mail again.

Jennie's voice was heard in the bedroom for the 32nd time that day.

It was the 116th time Rosé played it since the message was left on their phone.

And it had been five days since Jennie left that message on their voice mail.

Five days of Rosé awfully missing her wife.

Five days of Rosé not getting out of the house.

Rosé tried calling, but Jennie's phone was out of reach. Jennie obviously didn't want to be found. She wanted to ask Jennie's friends, or her other family members but that would certainly generate questions and right now, she didn't have answers. She had no idea why it was important for Jennie to get away and what it was that she needed to reflect about.

Truthfully, it scared her.

The message reached its end. Rosé reached out again and replayed the message for the 117th time. Before it was finished, she heard the door bell.

The blonde didn't even move. She had no intentions of getting up from Jennie's bed – where she'd been sleeping in since coming home to an empty house - to open the door. She didn't care who was there. All she cared about was Jennie and had it been her wife, she wouldn't bother ringing the door bell. She'd just walk in and complain that Rosé was staining her sheets with her tears.

The blonde smiled as she imagined Jennie walking into her bedroom and finding her there. She imagined how they'd argue about how Rosé ruined the pillow cases and the bed sheets.

The smile didn't last very long, though.

Rosé buried her face in Jennie's pillow. It smelled like the brunette, and she didn't want to get away from what makes her feel closest to Jennie at the moment. She had long admitted that she was in love with Jennie, but she didn't realize that being far away from her would make her feel like this.

Like she was dying.

The persistent ringing of the door bell continued. Rosé groaned. The irritating sound was giving her a headache. She could hear the faint sound of someone yelling, but couldn't figure out who it was. Five minutes later, the door bell was still ringing and she realized the person at the door wasn't about to leave her alone.

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